Bladeless Fan VS Traditional Fan
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Bladeless Fan VS Traditional Fan

Compared with the traditional fan, the bladeless fan/ air multiplier has much more advantages:

1) The airflow is more stable and there are no blades to “cut" the air to cause the unpleasant buffeting. Sitting in front of a bladeless fan for cool, you will feel comfortable and cozy. The air multiplier fan gives an uninterrupted stream of smooth.

2) With air increased to 15 times and given out, it ensures that the wind created by the no blade fan is strong enough to make people cool.

3) Similar to the normal fans, the no blade fan also has a convenient way to angle adjustment for users.

4) Without any blade, no blade fans are much easier to clean. And they are safer than traditional fans for curious children, family members and even pets.

5) The sound is lower that the no blade fan makes when it is operating. Also, the blade fan has pretty shape.

Published by manufacturer of fan without blades—Accipiter
