Four Easy Diet To Maintain Good Body
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Four easy diet to maintain good body

1.Moderate intake of red and yellow fruits and vegetables

Red and orange fruits and vegetables and dark green leafy foods such as carrots, mango, red and yellow tomatoes, papaya, sweet potato, pumpkin, sweet potato leaves, spinach, etc., most contain a lot of carotene and other phytochemicals help anti-oxidation, improve skin resistance.

However, pay attention to this kind of whitening food intake, excessive intake of fat-soluble carotenoids accumulate in the body, not only toxic, but also easy to make skin look yellow, stop feeding, take some time to slowly metabolized, should not eat too much.

2.Eat fruit daily high C

Foods rich in vitamin C can be said to be very good whitening food, want to maintain a healthy and bright, easily sunburned skin aging, almost every dermatologist will tell you to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Such as over eating 2-3 servings of fruit a day, then one of the same on the choice of foods rich in vitamin C, guava, kiwi, strawberry, cherry tomatoes or citrus.

In making salad propose to add bright colors of bell peppers and broccoli Jiduo, not only enjoyable, but also high intake of vitamin C. Eating raw peppers, crisp and refreshing, is not cooked at high temperatures due to the destruction of vitamin C.


The isoflavones in soy is a phytoestrogen, can replace a part of the role of female hormones that help fight aging, but it also has antioxidant capacity, is to maintain the luster and delicate female skin an indispensable food.

Soy products such as tofu, soy milk (recommended hold sugar) is a good whitening food, less calories, you can eat a lot. And other processed soy products such as tofu hundred pages, tofu and bean curd, etc., the heat is generally much higher than tofu, soft tofu boxed like 100 grams, traditional tofu, heat about 50 to 88 cards, but the same 100 grams of beans dry necessary 160 to 190 cards, 100 to 214 cards tofu, Japanese-style fried bean curd more cards to 385 calories difference of more than 2-fold, preferably less consumption.

4.2 cups of tea a day

U.S. studies indicate that whitening tearoom good food, drink green tea or green tea containing ingredients (refer catechin) skin care products, you can let the sun cause sunburn, relaxation and rough peroxide reduced by about one-third of First, the extent of damage to the skin by the sun becomes lighter.

The polyphenols in tea is a powerful antioxidant, studies have even pointed out that it is, C, E is higher antioxidant capacity than traditional vitamin A. The most important ingredient is catechins, because of oxidation and reduction so almost unfermented green tea catechins retain up to half-fermented oolong tea, packet tea followed and fully fermented black tea in the least.

However, the caffeine content of green tea are also more likely to cause some people sleep, some people drink green tea are gastrointestinal discomfort, it is best to drink carefully limited. A day to drink 2-4 cups, and adjust according to their own physical condition, or change the different teas to drink.
