DAY 249 (I) Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 249 (i) Amitabh Bachchan Blog

No pressures of reporting for work. No call sheets and eager AD’s waiting to give you your scene, your costume and your properties. No devoted make up from Deepak of over 30 years standing. No familiar sounds of set. No lights, no camera and no dialogues to learn. The freedom to be able to guide the day yourself is suddenly back.

And there is loathe. Life for 40 years has been one of guidance from others. Their ideas, their characters, their impressions of my expected speech, their movements to song and dance and drama. And then.. on to the next !

But the very loathe, detestation, aversion and repugnance now falling heavy upon us. Customized as we are to being led, left to ourselves we find it difficult to lead. There is a desperate search of being able to attend to many chores and pending work during the moment of these seemingly non working days. But beyond a desire to look involved and busy, it has generally failed. Indeed, it is often observed that you tend to tackle different chores when you are busy. Strange !! But revealingly true.

So in the frustration of not being able to decide on a decision, you return to the oft played. Oft visited. Oft treasured… WEST WING !!

Two moments move me.

He giveth and He taketh away. HE gives us life and learning. Growth and sense. A mind of judgement and opinion. A desire and a will. And when HE wishes HE can take away everything.

Must there be remorse then for that which we may have received to now be taken away. It is HE that delivered and HE that revoked. We have praised and accepted HIM and glorified HIM. Our faith resides there. It is not our wont to question. Unless atheism propounds.. But for that another day and another discourse…

The second.

‘We have lived and died with the success and failures of our parents.’ Those that have privileged the presence of fame and recognition, of celebrity and status, of public figure hood and following, must decidedly have subscribed to having lived through the life graph of successes and failures of those that gave us parentage. Their vulnerability became ours too. Their adulation our achievement.

Did we who fell into hallowed category, push those of our progeny into undesired circumstances not of our calling. Did they dwell and flourish in the exuberance of our achievements, without contribution ?? Who then among us is guilty. We for subjecting them or they for rejecting us ?

Give me opinion, reaction with reason. Let us debate this too, over time. It has been a subject that has intrigued me often and for long. I gave it room for thought in a film I designed along with RGV, ‘Sarkaar’. But it is of importance even beyond film. And I encourage those among you who relish discussion and friendly argument to bring forth the mind… perhaps to reach conclusion, or revelation..

My love,
