DAY 357 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 357 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

A new face on the face page .. fresh lines from my Father .. and an eve that beckons the morning, so we can celebrate a year of togetherness on this medium.

The photograph is from my film that I shoot for these days - Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘RANN’. Yes.. its back to being called that since the title we wanted ‘INDIA 24/7′ is with another producer who refuses to part with it.

My Father’s lines are from a poem of his written to inspire the armed forces and the citizens in general. It is a portion of the entire poem that stresses the value of words and their strength. I shall translate it to the best of my ability later, though a translation shall never be able to capture the music and depth of the original.

Many of the EF have disliked the picture. Many have loved it and many have not even noticed that there has been a change. I shall respect all of them. The face, expression and demeanor is such in the picture, because it has been taken in the middle of a shot on film. This is my character - Vijay Harshvardhan Malik, the owner of the TV Channel INDIA 24/7. And that is where the story of this film unfolds, which is why RGV felt that INDIA 24/7 as the title of the film was appropriate. But since someone else has it and has refused to part with it, despite our requests, even though they have no intention of starting a film by that title, we felt we should leave the issue and move on giving the other producer our warmest wishes and greetings.

I spent a large portion of my day yesterday immersed in my Father’s works and every page, every word of his written, is so fascinating that now the absence of his amongst us is felt even deeper. There is a great need to put his thoughts on the blog and to support it by worthy translations for those that do not understand the language.

On the eve of a majestic year, spent in invention and contact, I feel the body of work that was done throughout our association, needs better treatment and greater visibility. I shudder to go back to DAY 1, and shall therefore leave it to those veterans that have remained with us throughout and encouraged and coerced me to continue. Perhaps it is better that they do. They will, i am sure.

“The greatest of all faults is to imagine we have none -”

I have many.. and hopefully some day when the sun is not so bright and the wind not too cool, we shall sit, you and I, and discuss and debate the consequences of the delivered letter.

I need to be fresh and alert as the night draws near and THE day approaches … and so before my head bounces off the screen of the MacBook. Pro, I reluctantly say my byes and goodbyes -

We shall meet in the morrow.. hopefully

With all the greetings in the world bestowed upon us all.

Love each one of you,

Amitabh Bachchan
