DAY 519 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 519 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

There are many moments in our lives which are governed by realization. Soon after we are born we realize who our parents are. We call them Mother and Father. They are the ones we see the most often and the ones that respond to us when we call them. They shelter us, feed us, educate us, clothe us, look after us. A little later we realize who we are - a boy or a girl. We realize that being a boy is different form being a girl. Our anatomy is different, we look and behave differently. Then as we grow, we realize our status and our faith. We are poor or middle class or rich. We follow a religion and we realize we are different from some of the groups that we move in. We realize our strengths, both physical and mental. Moving on we realize friends and attachments, associations and acquaintances. We realize our closeness to some and our distance from others. Around the same time we realize our physicality - our looks, our bodies, our negatives and positives. And as we step into the world as independent souls we realize what the world is all about and indeed what life is.

Most of this is a natural process. A process that nature leads us into. But there is one that we fail to realize. We fail often to realize our limits. Having started, when to stop. When to stop consumption, excesses, indulgence. I believe that those that can accomplish this very innocuous yet most treasured value of mankind, can and should be able to conduct their lives without the pain that generally accompanies all those that do not.

I feel it is time for me to realize my limits. That is it. No further explanation, no reasons. I must know on my own, I would not need the impressions of others ; their suggestions and their advice. I am a grown man. I have lived and worked for a substantial number of years. The dawn of my realization has appeared and I must reconcile and accept it as must any other of my age. To further ignore it in the heat of ambition. To bolster it with the arrogance of a pride that may only exist within yourself, and not outside.

I believe we all know when it is time. I think we all ignore its implication. I believe our defiance towards compelling circumstances that bring it on is ill founded. I believe that there is a need to be honest with oneself; no other honesty could possibly replace it. I believe that their is no better person than ourselves to realize that we are indeed being honest with ourselves. And I believe that those that follow this temperament remain better humans. There is nothing at all in the world that can beat your own assessment. The ‘me’ and the ‘I’ then is the most superior element, that mankind possesses. A member of our FmXt expressed strong views on the ‘I’ and ‘me’ factor on possessions. He has resented the form of address, for, he stated, the ‘my’ in our lives should really be referred to as ‘ours’. We are all one. The ‘my’ singular proclaims a superiority. An expression of individual selfishness. And I would tend to agree with that. ‘My’ isolates, ‘ours’ envelopes. I would rather be enveloped than be isolated.

The photo shoot for COLORS and BIGGBOSS, went off smoothly without incident, not however the approval for the song that we put our mite into, till the late hours of the night. It is fine on its own, but does not reflect the visuals assiduously designed by the Director in Mehul. And so we shall trundle down to the studio V&S late in the morrow and redo what we had done earlier. Jaya and Shweta would be delighted with this move ; they had expressed similar sentiment when they first heard the song over lunch. But the music apart, what was fascinating today was an education in camera and computer work by Colsten Julien, the professional who was handling the still photography this afternoon.

Photo shoots in the good ‘ol days were firstly never thought of importantly. While on set, working stills were the call of the hour and whatever was achieved then within the confines of the studio, was sufficient. Now, we have a very complicated and documented procedure before venturing out into this terrain. Locations, lighting, management and the brief for the creatives itself is an episode, all coordinated and worked out with every conceivable position or circumstance. Still camera man, just walks up to the lens and presses the button. All else is taken care of by the out sourcing group. This management group organizes the location, sets up the lighting, fixes the immediate digital transfer on the computer for others to see, caters to refreshments, and so much more … a complete pleasure and a delight. Reference books specially prepared to give an indication of what the team was looking for in expression and mood and dress. A special meeting was held to put all this in order. And then it works like magic. Everyone knows what is required, goes about diligently doing their job and by the time you realize it, job done !!

The conveniences that man is building for himself shall one day be the very reason that shall bring him down. But by then it shall be too late.

Another day, another connect, another delight ~

Amitabh Bachchan
