DAY 569 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 569 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

In a world of uncertainties the human mind succumbs to unexpected occurrences. We are sensitive to where we are and what we do and what remains in store for us. We are sensitive to what awaits us, what could happen and what could not happen. We apprehend, we fear, we misinterpret. We allow ourselves to indulge in thoughts that may never occur, or in thoughts that could, definitely. Blessed are they that ride above all this, that remain oblivious to such word and deed. They empty their minds from these diversions. Perhaps it is healthy - they keep it free for other more concerned issues. Perhaps not. Who would know and who would confirm. The human brain is but utilized a mere 30% of its capacity in an entire life time. People often comment that they have ‘lead a full life’. What ? With 70% non utilized capacity ? What a waste of intelligent space ! Ha ! look what I have just done ! Used 170 words to justify my decision of not flying out to cyclone infested Mumbai in the morning as scheduled and changing it to the night.

Allowing ourselves to ‘indulge in our thoughts’ !!

London is done and over. For this visit. The charity event went off, the promotions went off and there was appreciation for involvement in both. Now to Mumbai and tasks and events of that region begin to take over. How quickly life shifts its act. In a world that wishes windows to open at the press of a square button, we wonder when we could be in a situation when the press of a button could transport us with equal rapidity to our desired destination. Or better still, when would we be in a situation when what we think converts itself into the deed.

Wishful thinking ? Perhaps. But did not most modern invention start with a wish ??

The day darkens early in the West. For us that exist in a part of the hemisphere where such drastic changes are not entirely visible, we feel a strangeness. Our systems are not acclimatized. The grim and overcast sky sits heavy above us. It drowns us with a peculiar depression. Why must a moment of bright light convert itself into the darkness without announcement. Yes science has its explanation, but philosophizing on it never hurt anyone. Ha ! ha !!

I write early because I will be incommunicado for a while as I cover regions and countries and continents and lakes and rivers and mountains and boundaries and languages and cultures and seas and temperaments and custom and class and history. Within a span of 9 hours thousands of years of life disappears underneath you. Remarkable is it not ? Not the speed of the passage. The passage of time and event. And ironically we fly through it unable to tap its vapored existence. For it is all there within the atmosphere !

” You see the coefficient of the linear is juxtapositioned by the haemoglobin in the atmosphere …”

Spoken without an iota of meaning or sense. But was it really…. ??

Amitabh Bachchan
