DAY 588 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 588 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

….. so Auro went to School today early in the morning, dropped off by his Mom and what a fun … what a fun he had … his whole gang went with him from PAA and they went to class and then another class and then played basket ball and ate ‘vada pau’ … too much fun ya …!! came in in his uniform for the school and met all the teachers of the school and met the principal … they were all so nice to Auro … Auro and his gang sang songs … the Auro dance song and also taught everyone how to do the Monkey dance … ha ha ha .. such fun !!

Goodness ! I want to be back in School again and want to learn and be tested and be told to follow a discipline and to take orders. It was just so so endearing and wonderful to spend these two hours at School. To be in the company of kids of this generation. To know how they function and think, how they talk and what their views are about life and society. Absolutely amazing.

I do believe that our educational system does rather well in bringing up our children in the right atmosphere, with the right teachings. And I believe that if any corruption takes place it must take place when they get exposed to the outside world. How best we can train and give them the skill to face these obstacles is the real challenge for those that run and manage institutions.

My compliments therefore to those that care and bring up the future of our nation for, it is at this very crucial stage of their lives that leaves an impression in their minds and hearts. It is a difficult task, one that requires great strength and belief in our value system, but one that must be committed to or else our very edifice shall crumble. The innocence and vulnerability of the anxious student and his desire and will to learn the new and unknown, is by far the most enriching moment for any one to observe and capture. I was witness to some of that in a very limited period of time, but to think of this vast bank of teachers and educators that deal with this every day every second, must be a most rewarding indulgence. Equally, the keenness on the part of the students, to follow routine and system, must be to them exciting and creative.

God bless them all that indulge in the betterment of the child and God bless them all that receive such attention …

My love for this moment and for the moments to come …

Amitabh Bachchan
