DAY 646 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 646 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

Apologies… apologies….. its 9:04 am on 28th January and I have just discovered that my post had not gone through. I am activating it now.

And before anything else I would like to pay my respects to Lakhshmi Jag and offer my condolences to her on the passing away of her revered Father. These are sad and anxious days and moments and our prayers are with you. May God give you the strength to bear this loss. With you and the family…

Brisk and cold and fog laden Delhi. A moment for all to bring out the woolies and great coats. For hot meals and dry fruits by the fire. The flush of pink on the cheeks. The bracing environment, the air and the breath long and deep and invigorating. Delhi in winter is a delight.

I have come in on an earlier flight to take care of meetings and discussions on matters concerning the company and the premier for RANN tomorrow, here. The rest of the gang follows after, a little later. But it is good to be together again after what seems like a generation.

Sopaan, my father’s home, built by me for him, on a plot allotted to journalists writers and literati ages ago. Now a throbbing locality of people and housings and shoppings and car ings and traffic ings. It is such joy to travel to another city and find your own home again. No need to bring anything - just yourself.

There is the premier for RANN tomorrow at PvR theatre in Saket at 9 pm and a large part of the day on arrival goes to calling media gliterati personally for the event tomorrow. Barkha Dutt says she is in London and shall try to return tomorrow. Rajdeep Sardesai will come. I see him earlier in the day though at his studio in NOIDA for promotion stuff - me the journalist, he the interviewee. Ha .. some job that ! Arnab is just leaving for Mumbai, Vikram Chandra is in Davos, and Prannoy Roy and Prabhu Chawla need to be contacted tomorrow. Rajat Sharma shall come even though his channel India TV has been slashing the film even before its release. A personal meeting at a common friends party confirms that - though his wife is opting out because her office has told her that the film shows media in bad light and so she would not like to patronize something that shows them down. That is strange. The messages of congratulation from the media houses have been pouring in the entire evening after they have seen a trial in Mumbai. They apparently gave a standing ovation after the film was over. But …

To each his own. In a free world there is respect for freedom of expression - from us and from them !!

Learning can never be limited to age. I learnt in the early years, in the middle of my youth and then … vroom … in today’s time as well. Everyday is a learning graph. So much to assimilate, so much to gain knowledge of and so little time and space.

After the social outing, a getting together for the family - Jaya, Abhishek, and Aishwarya in the hall selecting which film we would all like to see. But with Abhishek around it shall be ‘nada’.

More like a Chelsea game with rivals greatly improved - Birmingham, on the telly and all else has to change or stop and get devoted dear one. More so that while we watch, it is Chelsea beyond doubt ; as a Maluda header finds its way into the net placed along side a larger than life stadium.

The city prepares for the Commonwealth Games by the end of the year. And I shall prepare to bed. It is not the most exciting. But I would need my wits about by the time the studio is ready to place me in front. We shall move together. Fearlessly, with honesty and basic integration.

My hands quiver as I sign off .. may we, till the ground and dig deeper into our selves to discover not one but two.

My love and a lot more …

Amitabh Bachchan
