DAY 663 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 663 Amitabh Bachchan Blog


Vishnu Sharma from News 24 informs me early in the morning just now Feb 14, through sms that it was on March 23, 1931 that the three freedom fighters were hanged in Lahore, and not as mentioned below.

My apologies therefore in this wrong information and thank you Vishnu Sharma for this correction. The one below was sent to me by an enthusiastic fan. Guess he was wrong . Though I must be with him in the sentiment he expresses - our diminishing respect for our real heroes !!

And just as I make this correction another terrorist attack in Pune ! Several dead and more injured. When will all this mindless violence end. Will we ever resolve this ? Our hearts and prayers for those who suffer !!

On this day 13th of February 1931 in the early hours of the morning, three legendary Freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hung to death by the British.
No one remembers this day, for the heroic sacrifices that these brave and committed sons of the soil made for the independence of their Motherland.
All we read is about Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day …
Every day is for love and respect for your Father and your Mother …
But what of the respect and love for those that gave up their lives so we could breathe the air of freedom …

“ Not all fingers are the same in length. But when they are bent they all stand equal. Life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to situations. “

“ The ultimate truth of life is that – success always kisses you in private, but failure always kicks you in public. “

“ Stone breaks the head, but water breaks the stone. Anger suppresses your enemy, but forgiveness destroys the enmity. “

R Balki, my director for ‘Cheeni Kum’ and ‘Paa’ sends me an sms this afternoon -

‘You are sounding v v angry in ur blog. And acknowledging irrelevant people Amitji. Your soul writing deserves better subjects.’

My soul writing deserves better subjects ! Acknowledging irrelevant people ! Aaahhh ! My writings have never been writings in the first place. They are musings, uninteresting mumblings that take over a certain space in my daily routine. Balki gives me far too much credit for them. And I have never considered anyone to be irrelevant. For me they are all equal and relevant. Anger I do not contribute to and is a factor that has remained alien to me. What is irrelevant is the error in assuming that what is seen and heard and enacted on screen, should also be practiced in real as well. What is assumed is that if celebrity and status has been thrust upon you it must be emulated as well according to the somewhat misplaced illusions of those that merge the two. No we are incapable of doing that. We are not activists, we are actors. We will not be able to demolish a band of 12 single handedly and neither shall we be in position to win over a satin clad miss stumbling over snow capped mountains fortified with a song on our lips. Reel and real shall remain apart for me at least, for most parts. What may seem as anger is my desire to explain this important factor. Is my desire to explain that at 68, with loads of years of experience in matters that concern many in todays climes, it is important to understand a bit of history. It is important to understand a bit of the past. And most importantly to visualize a bit of the future. Circumstances may seem universal for all at a moment of intense reaction. But they never are equal for all. Emotions run high, agreed. But who abetted and provoked them. Who used them for personal gain and benefit. Were they at all involved parties. Analyze this dispassionately, and more with restrain and able judgement before reaching conclusion. Understand the reason and motive of this game. Those that play it do so after great study and preparation. We are gullible and innocent victims of a plot that many will never be able to see in the rush of immediate blood.

Today is not the end that you may consider to be over and won. It is the beginning of much deeper and dangerous portents. Bravado is a good attribute to possess, misguided bravado is not.

Unless of course one wishes to play this game. Then all is valid. Then my stand is wrong. Then I am to blame. Then must I take back my words and submit to error. No harm in that. We all make mistakes and submitting to it does not make one any smaller. But entering this arena is not my cup of warm water, since I do not drink tea ! I have my reasons and stay away. But does anyone wonder why and how there is an incessant drive for an inclusion by others towards me, despite repeated denials. Has anyone ever wondered why the butt of every accusation eventually comes and rests on my back. Think about it, for there is cause. My ethics may never ever allow me to indulge them, but suffice to say that all that is seen and heard and spoken of, has a flip side to it too. In life it is wise to be aware of both. The perspective changes, or at least allows one to consider the change.

I can well understand that without sufficient elaboration the above may seem an illusion, a lot of defensive balderdash. No it is not. On the contrary it is really quite revealing. The point is, does one want to indulge in this pettiness or ride above it. Bear the cross of indignation and abuse and move on. The idealist in me would want to opt for the latter, but I must admit that the ‘player to the gallery’ in me wishes the other ; because it is more dramatic.

Ha ! I am reminded of a sequence in my film Shahenshah - the last court room scene. I had wished to do it differently. I wanted to argue my matter with a certain gentle yet punctuated finesse, and I did so. After the take was over, Tinnu Anand my director felt it lacked something. I said fine I shall do another one. This time I was loud and over the top and overtly dramatic. When I concluded the entire unit and the junior artists all clapped. Tinnu said this is what he wanted to keep and did so. To be subtle you need to understand subtlety. Maybe not everyone has that quality. A famous writer once told me, when in a courtroom drama, it does not matter what you say, so long as you say it loud enough. Study any film and you shall find, it hardly matters what is being said in the court. It is how dramatically you say it that has always mattered.

I believe in life too similar sentiments exist. The soft spoken gentle voice of reason invariably gets submerged in the loud and meaningless drone of volume. The pity is that decibels find support and attention, the other, not. Eventually reason will prevail, but most of the time it is far too late. So what does one do ?

I believe that considered balance is what we all need. A balance that has a healthy mix of both reason and volume. Difficult to achieve, but not unsurmountable. Reason shall always wear that ugly wrapping of defensiveness. Initially. A sign of shame and weakness. But, as you pursue the path of determined alternative, all else settles down.

One must possess that dignified quality of patience. Haste has never had support and is one that is difficult to achieve.

I am trying too … and trying hard …

In my love for you, however, I shall always stick to the exact opposite … no holding back here .. there is always haste in expressing it …

Love you love you love you ….

Amitabh Bachchan
