DAY 697 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 697 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

Quantifying quality is a misnomer in society. Good has forever been looked upon as a sophisticated cover of silk and mesh, that prevents the actual in life - evil. Evil is more exciting, colorful, dramatic. Good is a demure maiden, covered in a veil of embarrassed reality. Jesus Christ suffered the indignation of his goodness through his great sacrifice on the cross. Lord Rama suffered the pain and discomfort of an exile and all the grave issues he faced during that time. Jesus and Ram were both good, but subjected to pain, bore it without complaint.

Good has this habit of never initiating acknowledgement. And because it remains without acknowledgement, it never achieves recognition or prominence. And because it never achieves recognition, it soon ceases to exist. For good to exist it needs to be seen and known in a world of today, that depends on opinions made by others. Evil, on the other hand has never needed any marketing. The paucity of visible goodness, inadvertently propels the evil into prominence. When good has such a remote presence, all that one sees and feels is the evil. And, here is the horror, because evil is prominent, in time to come it, because of its omnipresence, begins to claim that it is ‘he’ that needs to remain. Good be damned and buried.

It is embarrassing for some to voice their good. Not so for many others. When good is not heard or known it is pushed away into oblivion. But goodness remains and shall always remain to express its exquisite qualities for those that understand its value. So really then, where seems to be the problem ?

I’ll tell you. Time is the problem. By the time good is recognized it has invariably become too late. What then should be the solution. Deeds must continue to be done. Acts of goodness must be conducted irrespective of recognition. In fact the thought of recognition even should be an anathema. I will know when good is done and exists. That is important. So long as I know, that is sufficient. The world may come to recognize it or may not. That should not be the criteria. The criteria should be whether I was convinced that it was done or not. The conviction of one single person is enough. Its value and its strength is beyond measure.

There is the other aspect. The propulsion of evil in the garb of goodness. When executed consistently, it becomes imperative for those that get subjected to it, to believe it. An entire polity then dons an apron of polluted vagary. Such continued subjection then converts us all into a cynical mass of convoluted fools. Which explains why so many of them inhabit our hemisphere. May the Almighty forever have mercy on us and may it always protect us !! So help me God ! Amen !!

For those in the FmXt that shall endeavor to decipher meaning from the above, I wish you luck and wishes. Those that do not are the most fortunate. For, when the mind is a clear and clean slate, not allowing it to be in the company of unexplained ‘bumff’, is the safest course to take.

Be safe … and in safe state …

in love and more ….

Amitabh Bachchan
