DAY 735 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 735 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

…….. and now suddenly there is nothing to look forward to in the evening. IPL has ended and the attraction of competition and suspense, technique and execution, astute leadership and form … has all suddenly fallen silent. For a period of just a week I believe, because by the 30th of April its the World Cup T20 Championship kicking off in the Caribbean.

The Caribbean … !! just its mere mention is enough to put you in relaxation and music and lazy afternoons. My first visit there was with a concert in 1983. Kalyanji - Anandji with Viju and his orchestra, a few singers and just poor ol’ me. But what a moment in my history.

The calypso … heard in every breathe of fresh air you inhale. Airports, roads, malls and Hotels - by the street, in the open, behind closed Hotel doors, everywhere, that sensuous rhythm of the tin band and those smiling faces of hospitality and cricket ! So many greats came out from there and still continue to surprise us when they occupy the crease. But Rohan Kanhai, Gary Sobers and a few others, now almost invalid in their mature presence, made and gave the name of this great sport and took it to that almost romantic path, of forgiveness and success.

Stories of Sobers and his incredible batting talent. Of how once he sat in the changing room during a match and watched in dismay his side lose out to a slender margin. And realizing that defeat was staring him in the face, polished off a bottle of rum in frustration and anger. As he walked out to the center in his typical swagger he went on to score one of the fastest hundreds of the Tournament. When asked how he had done that, he had apparently stated - ” I was seeing three balls coming at me from the bowler, and was hitting the middle one ” !!!

There seems to me that my description of my other ailments during the years, is not such an unwelcome exercise. But I would require a good night’s sleep and a decent hour of writing before it went out for posterity. So I beg to be excused from this task today, but will promise to elaborate on it a few days after.

It is lonely without the kids here, even though they call and speak as often as one can. The island of Samos in Greece is where Aishwarya and Abhishek are today. Their travel is not too far removed from their elder, either. Came in via Doha in the Middle East in the morning from New York and after having participated and released the album, have showered and changed dress and off to the airport again, for Greece. They invite us there to this very quiet and small little island, peaceful and not very large, to spend some relaxed time. I think I have had more than my share of relaxation. Time to pull up the sleeves and work.

I shall be back ..

Amitabh Bachchan
