DAY 796 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 796 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

Another day another night, another feel for what is trite

‘Tis destined mind and bodied soul, we never look upon the whole

There is but hatred within and out, seamless, putrid without a doubt.

There are no reasons pure and fine, no limits barred or crossing line

Hung deep in hell to crucify, to dare to live or cause defy,

We are select the glorious few, we are to subject venom spew.

Glory to them who give us cause, relent, defy despite applause

They are but those that ponder well, or more appropriate pander swell,

In years gone by of reminisce, no one adheres to their finesse.

They are the champions of their art, they do not dither or random dart,

They live determined lives in self, measured in giant or little elf.

For them alas ! who judgement give, they are but one, no life to live.

Give me the reins to ride along, past gilded paths where I belong.

For me the glory, life and King, I am no butterfly on tethered wing

Much may they scribble on inked white page, posterity shall ignore with age

What then existence, what then remorse, you never could assess the force

The waves of time flood waters on, they are but shorn the space is worn.

Space dresses up in shades of air, the others never get a share.

It is around, about and here, they have it too but cannot bear.

Victorious in our own device, single and  fingered is suffice.

Exhaustive modes to push abuse, its brightening light on star struck moose.

It stands alone without a flinch, there is but nothing more to clinch.

Or so it seems until it moves, regal uncaring in its own shoes.

The vacant view the time gone by, they live in hope for another try.

It shall remain forever thus, we will ride on they wait the bus !

Never must any make any attempt to ascertain or to decipher this puzzle above. For this maze that has been drawn in near Cubic calculus, will always remain in mystery and intrigue. Much like that film on the mystic scriptures of ‘biblical’ proportions.

Do I scare you in my contemplation ? Fear not ! It is not what you may think it is. Yet, it could perhaps be very close to them that read with blinkered eyes.

In solace and in harmony - in peace and in silence ..

Amitabh Bachchan
