DAY 802 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 802 Amitabh Bachchan Blog





Many among the Fm Xt had expressed a desire to see pictures of Ooty and the shoot with MohanLal, so I compiled a few random shots and have put them up. More shall follow tomorrow and if required more for another tomorrow.

A delightful day. The weather was cool and calm and refreshing. When we stepped out it felt as though we had suddenly acquired a brand new pair of lungs. They, the twins, the lungs were seen smiling to each other and their joy was being felt exteriorly.

Major achievements were accomplished by the end of the day - I convinced Mohanlal, also lovingly known by Lalettan, ‘ettan’ meaning brother in Malayalam, to join Twitter and he agreed much to the delight of all his fans from Kerala and all over. I was able to guide Aamir on the complexities of the same Twitter through an sms that he desperatelyly wrote to me a short while ago seeking advice. And .. I spoke my first lines of Malayalam for film .. and did not do a retake !! Man .. that is like ‘way cool’ .. to coin a commonly used genext expression !

So Aamir starts tomorrow at an ID of @aamir_khan. Mohanlal I am yet to find out and now the twitter brigade wants me to influence Rajnikant to come on Twitter !! And some smarties think that I canvas for the brand ambassador ship of this crazy social network. Ha ha !! Fun becoming !!

There has always been one constant query by those that come to the blog through being my extended family and now through the Twitt, on how I am able to find time to address all of you despite my busy program. And as I glanced through my Father’s books, as I do regularly through the course of the day, I came upon an interview he had given where he has been asked a similar question !! Amazing, is it not ?

His answer to the question asked was simple yet so finite that I thought I must express them to you.


Those that understand and read Hindi they will follow the script from the book above , but for those that do not - an attempted translation.

Q : How and why are you so prompt in replying to your letters ? How are you able to find time from your busy schedule for this ? How many literary letters do you have to write each day ?

A : Because I consider life to be bigger than literature. Literature is for life. What ever I am writing, is for just this reason ; that mankind should come closer to mankind. Letters are but a medium to come closer. If I am busy or occupied it is because I would want to envelop mankind in as simple a manner as possible, to capture them. And  I would consider, without any complex, making such relations or fulfilling them, to be the greatest acquisition of my life. I have never counted, but everyday I write maybe 10-12 letters, at times 20-25. Mostly they are letters to people that I have been introduced to before, or to those that are my readers. They do not just write, they come to me like guests and I, following the age old tradition of our culture of ‘Athiti devo bhava’ - the guest to your house is like a devta, a god, welcome them. Many do not have expectations of a reply, but are pleased all the same when they get one. To please someone, even for just a brief moment, is not a small job. There is a lot of disappointment, expectation and loneliness in this world.

What more can I say in the presence of such clarity of thought and deed. I would not dare to bring any semblance of a comparison, but I cannot help but consider the similarity of thought in both our processes and thinking. My desire and wish on this is as singular as has been expressed by my Father and I am privileged that there is at least something that I have been able to imbibe from him.

The night rushes past rapidly. The barkings of the dog go further in distance, a soft mist is enveloping my slightly open window. The birds have long stopped their twitter. It is time that I stopped mine as well !

May this gentle mist envelop all within my fold and give you the solace of pleasant sleep ..

Amitabh Bachchan
