DAY 817 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 817 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

As I drift through the responses each evening I am amazed at the regularity of the FmXt and the consistency with which they compete with me day after day. It is now a family that I know by name and almost by face, even though there are many that I have not seen. It is a family that makes it a compulsion to be with me - like an elder in the house gathering every one around after dinner for that fireside moment. For me and the way I spent my days of up bringing, those were the moments most memorable ; when the elders and the wise and the experienced were over for a meal and then to sit in their midst and listen to the flow of conversation that overtook all else. In the cold winters of the North, wrapped up in the warmth of our woolies and the shawls and blankets, hands out stretched towards the fireplace seeking its heat for our frozen limbs, eating the delicious ‘reweri’, ‘gajak’ and ‘chilgoza’  it was the ultimate pleasure. Then the poets and literateurs, friends from different walks of life, different professions and vocations filling up the evening with their tales and anecdotes, recitations and wise comment, was to us, the moment to imbibe and learn.

I feel that now when I anxiously open my page and start seeing the familiar faces, their writings and thoughts. Hey ! there’s so and so and what happened to her, why has she not come on today. Goodness there’s our old friend and his detailed remarks. Aha ! he came back again because he was done with the conversation. Hah ha ! Spelling errors - they come back to correct it too. Wishes, acknowledgments, love, expectation all rolled into one strong bond of togetherness and happiness.

And this group, this band of brothers and sisters, friends and companions strung together by an invisible thread of family extensions, was once referred to by an ugly remark from a certain tabloid as a small insignificant bunch of sycophantic NRI’s !! I never mentioned it or drew your attention to it because it would have hurt you. They were early days on the blog. Everyone was a stranger a novice a newcomer. But look at us now, just look at us. All of us have either met up, known and recognized, acquainted ourselves, conversed and cared for all that are today connected. This is no mean feat. 817 days of consistent and constant connect is a rarity in todays world. But despite all the obstructions, despite all the attempts to dissuade and destroy this extended arm, we have not just remained steadfast and sincere, we have grown. Grown into a bond that will take a helluva lot to even dent us and our existence. God willing ! Inshallah !

So the rehearsals for KBC started and what a magical trip that was ‘in nostalgium’ - if there can be such a word. The same faces, the music, the graphics on the computer, changes in the presentations, changes in the construct, ideas enhanced, smiling faces, laughter, joy - DAMN ! KBC is fun. I am happy to be back !!

RGV and Puri Jagan came over next to discuss the how and why and when’s for ‘BUDDAH’ and now all is set and ready and soon that shall in the pipe line, along with Raj Kumar Santoshi and Prakash Jha to follow soon after. Time flies past and time to get into our seats, fasten the belts and prepare to take off.

‘Bachchan Bol’ meanwhile, ladies and gentleman of the jury moves on well - almost 16-17000 subs each day joining in and by the end of the month a launch in UK and to follow soon after to the USA. And then.. technology and conditions contractual permitting .. the visual blog !!

“Closer my FmXt to thee” !!

Ok .. Abhishek’s just walked in after his shoot with Rohan and ‘Dum Maro Dum’ and I think it would be prudent to end this and begin that.

My love then to my most loved and caring EF ..

Amitabh Bachchan
