DAY 818 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 818 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

What is it that clouds a mind when you seek solution … it ought to be an element that we ourselves construct. Yet when there is much to be answered and discovered it is then too the mind that should ideally be giving them to us. Where then the mode, when it desists. It constructs, its blocks it off at will. Does the will come too from within. If so can the within be the mind, for, it is after all the considered element that thinks. Our obstacles and our solutions to them are from common source. This is agreed and logic wisdom. When all this fails, when logic and wisdom find other outlets, when the construct and thinking sits in the balcony unable to come down and mix with the stalls, then there is disturbance. The body is fuddled. I am a bit fuddled today. There is no particular reason for it and neither is there cause. Just a fuddled state of mind. No complaints or remorse or confusion. Just fuddled. There are days when this happens and I am certain there are many among you that face similar. But yes it remains and does not give us any benefit or doubt. A mere fuddled state. I see and read with great joy the anticipation from the extended family and those on the T-rate twitter, the anticipation for KBC. This is reassuring and generous. It helps me to trot along a familiar line with enthusiasm and endeavor. It is a path that I have traversed before. All the more then that all should come good. Which is why the rehearsals and detailed consultations and that little extra that goes into any enterprise after your heart. The dub in the morning almost never happened. There was such a heavy downpour that the roads filled up, traffic snarled, those on the pavements rolled up their pants and I had to almost take the assistance of a rubber dingy to shift from car door into the theatre work station. The promos looked interesting and slick. They should all be coming up within days and then tomorrow I shoot for the invitation to answer that one question that could bring you into the sets of KBC and on to the hot seat. So be there !! Aishwarya got back by the late afternoon and it was wonderful for all of us to be together again, chatting, catching up, discussing and planning future work days. Shanouk seemed most pleased and insisted on launching his massive body on the couch with us. When he does that we all move out because there is hardly any space left after he has spread himself. I think he dislikes lack of attention. And I discovered this today that when he is around he will want immediate and concentrated attention or else he revolts. So being on the phone in his presence is the deepest insult you could inflict on him. So disturbed was he this afternoon as I attended a conference call with London that I had to interrupt the call for a few moments in order to prevent him from eating up my phone !! This seemed quite amusing to the ladies and gentlemen on the other side of the line - British love for the canine not withstanding. I have often wondered why this affection exists with the pet dog, or cat or any animal. Yes they are concerned and loyal and faithful. Committed to protecting you and yours, but I think there is more than just that. Possessive of the territory they are brought up in, they begin to own it, guard it, protect it by instinct. The canine has been structured by nature to be thus with the human. And this is the greatest gift that mankind/womankind can ever conceive. It is a loyalty that we do not encounter even from our very dearest and it is perhaps this element that makes them so dear to us. ‘To his dog, every man is Napoleon, hence the popularity of dogs’ said Aldous Huxley and Roger Caras felt that ‘ a dog is an existentialist … An ill behaved dog in any category though, is a human failing ‘. I would tend to agree with both .. With my love to all in great abundance , Amitabh Bachchan
