DAY 832 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 832 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

मेरे परिवार के सभी  सदस्य , मेरे प्रिय , मेरे मित्र , मेरे प्रशंसक , मेर आलोचक , मुझसे कुछ बड़े , कुछ छोटे -


मुझे इस बात पे बहुत गर्व है की , मैंने जो हिंदी में लिखा उससे आप सबों में से कुछ भाइयों और बेहेनों को अच्छा लगा .
लिखने का प्रयत्न करता हूँ , सही ढंग से लिखना आता नहीं है , पर प्रयत्न अवश्य जारी है .
कुछ लोगों को इस बात पे विरोध था की राष्ट्र भाषा हिंदी नहीं है , और मुझे ऐसा लिखना शायद उन्हें ठीक नहीं लगा . हमारे संविधान में क्या लिखा है या क्या वर्णन किया गया है इस विषय को लेकर , मुझे सही ज्ञान नहीं है . हो सकता है मै ग़लत हूँ . लेकिन हिंदी राष्ट्र की भाषा है , इसमें दो राय नहीं .
हमारे देश के प्रत्येक प्रान्त की भाषा अत्यंत सुंदर और विकसित है . उसका समाज में अपना  एक स्थान है, महत्व है . हम सब इसे मानते हैं और हमे इस पर बड़ा गर्व भी है . भारत देश की विभिनता को जो महत्व दिया गया है , उससे हम सब परिचित है . इसी विभिनता में  जो महत्व देश को मिलता है , यही हमारा संस्कार है , हमारी संस्कृति है . हमे ये कभी भी भूलना नहीं चाहिए . अलग अलग भाषाएँ , अलग अलग संस्कार - इन्ही तत्वों से हमारा देश बना है . इन तत्वों को हमें आदर करना चाहिए, पूजना चाहिए .
आप सभी सदस्यों को मेरा स्नेह और आशीर्वाद - गो अभी आशीर्वाद देने लायक नहीं हूँ मैं .


London is lot quieter at this time of the year. Or is it that I have been visiting places that have been a lot noisier !! The people on the streets are limited. There is a reserved tinge to the events on the streets and fewer Indian tourists can be seen ! Perhaps this is due to the schools and colleges reopening for the fresh terms, parents getting back to work after the grueling summer months of extreme temperatures ; times for holidays over now back to books and classes and homework.
My days in Delhi, during these months of my educational pursuits were not as dramatic as perhaps most of the affluent in the city. My parents could ill afford a holiday anywhere within the country, leave alone one abroad. So the days were spent in preparing for the next year, reading the odd book, meeting up with friends next door, involving ourselves in a game of cricket or badminton, the odd visit to the shopping areas with Mom, perhaps a drive if we were lucky and well behaved through the more select streets of the Capital and in the evenings, by our bedside listening to radio through the just out transistor, a generous gift from one of my Father’s admirers.
And when University opened, the excitement of new classmates, higher studies, fresh subjects, newer books and the endless time spent not attending lectures, but in the various coffee canteens of other Colleges near by. And then the Inter Collegiate Games - cricket and basketball and swimming and hockey. The time spent at the various venues with college supporters, picking fights with rival colleges and ending up invariably with all of us in friendly spirit at one of the more well known restaurants in Connaught Place, the ‘it’ location then.
The homecoming being equally dramatic - a pretense on our faces and body language that we had been through the most harrowing study experiences of the decade !! That was a lot of rubbish. Not a single class had been attended - proxy presence by the more studious being a helpful ingredient for the attendance registers.
Ah !!! The days of initial independence and freedom. Somewhat the happiest days of our lives !!
So now when I see the young at all the destinations that I visit and lament the absence of being one with them, it is in fact the desire to relive those days of college and university and the carefree life that we led, unknown to the vagaries of life that were about to be upon us soon enough !!
It has been resolved that if you are not aware of certain information, or happenings about you, the mind remains uncluttered and free from pressures. For days now there has been no exposure to news on the tele, or access to the newspaper. And what a blessing that has been. But here in London, the papers the news from the land, trickles in every few minutes and suddenly one starts getting drawn into all that we are not supposed to get drawn into. Its back to violence and intrigue and corruption and politics and disaster. It was such a joy to be by the Trevi and just sit and wonder at the marvel of its construct and the music of its continuous streams of water.

Lead me O lord and deliver me
From mundane roots ensnared to me,
You are that knows what lies ahead
Give me not life but life instead.
Give me the liberty to excel
Without controls so I can tell
That freedom is what freedom should,
It never was it never could !!

Its something that just came about ! Its a poor attempt at living up to a legacy. But it comes involuntarily, pushing the edges and corners to emerge from the depths of drowning waters, surfacing in gasping expectation of the freshness of air …
Take me in, in one deep breath dearest ones, so I can exist in the ecstasy of those that breathe for me -

Amitabh Bachchan