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Latest postings by Ashish Kumar

Airlines are currently functioning in a harsh economic climate. Now they are aiming, more than ever, on reduction of costs and maximization ...more>>
Corporation which are focused on business travel productivity and cost saving techniques and opportunities are finding new ways to apply t ...more>>
Though it is less likely that while booking your holiday packages, you may have come across with this term on web sites. But a little remini ...more>>
The Value Proposition of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) The past four decades have witnessed the unfolding of bourgeoning complexity of ...more>>
In Life I Trust. Life within me is ME, Life within you is YOU, Life within us is US, Life within them is THEM. And then the major problem st ...more>>
A vision is simply something that you want. Where thoughts come from, are from inside of you. Some are based on need, such as our n ...more>>
Few days back I saw a painting, a beautiful picture of a tree hanging with the saying : "A human being is as powerful as a tree ...more>>
Anandi had been an amateur photographer for 25 years. Now at 70, she had a very clear vision. “I want to be a world famous, pro ...more>>
A man wanted to buy his son a parrot as a birthday present.The next day he went to the pet shop and sawthree identical parrots in a cage. H ...more>>
Read this beautiful article somewhere...Thought of sharing with you all, I will put my add on and viewpoint in my next blog articl ...more>>
A man lay on his bed at the end of his life waiting to die. His dream came to pay its last respects and bid farewell to the man who had ne ...more>>
Love, Money, Joy, Dream – whose following whom? This word love has meanings, meaning made by us meaning which we want ...more>>
  Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If ...more>>
I always wonder that should I share my thoughts with someone or not? Will that person be able to understand my point of view? Will ...more>>
One Strength My looks are my strength, my confidence is my strength, my attitude is my strength, my family is my streng ...more>>
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