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Lens on Blogs

have been toying with a cross-over idea: to combine the convenience of
a lens on Squidoo and the blog world. At first I thought I would use
the high search rank of Squidoo to promote my lens but then I was stuck
by the selfishness of it all. So I decided to do something for other
I have launched two new lens. One is called the Best of Indian Blogs. This is an attempt to build the list of best blogs by Indians. Indian bloggers can submit their blogs and vote for the blogs, their own and those of others. I am hoping that this will give Indian blogs a high-visibility platform. Squidoo is in the top 500 most visited sites in the world, and in the top 250 most viewed in the United States. So far about 50 blogs have been submitted. So, that is going well. So if you are an Indian blogger who has stumbled upon this blog, please feel free to submit your blog on this lens. Let's have fun.
As I scan the blogosphere I come across some fantastic blogs. Those that I am not capable of dreaming of. They are so good that I have spent hours browsing these blogs. So the second lens is a list of blogs that I find spectacular. This is my private lens and I do not allow others to add any blog on their own. But if you come across a blog that you think is worth including in the lens please feel free to leave a comment on the lens and I promise to look it up. The lens is called Spectacular Blogs (very original name!) Check out the blogs on this lens. Let me know if you too find these spectacular.
I haven't seen any other Squidoo lens quite like these. I am wondering if I can take a copyright on this idea :-)
I have launched two new lens. One is called the Best of Indian Blogs. This is an attempt to build the list of best blogs by Indians. Indian bloggers can submit their blogs and vote for the blogs, their own and those of others. I am hoping that this will give Indian blogs a high-visibility platform. Squidoo is in the top 500 most visited sites in the world, and in the top 250 most viewed in the United States. So far about 50 blogs have been submitted. So, that is going well. So if you are an Indian blogger who has stumbled upon this blog, please feel free to submit your blog on this lens. Let's have fun.
As I scan the blogosphere I come across some fantastic blogs. Those that I am not capable of dreaming of. They are so good that I have spent hours browsing these blogs. So the second lens is a list of blogs that I find spectacular. This is my private lens and I do not allow others to add any blog on their own. But if you come across a blog that you think is worth including in the lens please feel free to leave a comment on the lens and I promise to look it up. The lens is called Spectacular Blogs (very original name!) Check out the blogs on this lens. Let me know if you too find these spectacular.
I haven't seen any other Squidoo lens quite like these. I am wondering if I can take a copyright on this idea :-)