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When We Die

Just coming from my friend's house. His mother died last evening. She was old, but then mothers never become old.
Just before she died, my friend told, that she cried a little.
Do we know moments before that we are dying? I think we do. It is not like we are a machine that is just switched off. The brain must be getting enough signals to know that the end is near. It is just that we have not trained our mind enough to pick up the signals long before the actual event.
But why did my friend's mother cry? Is it because she did not want to leave her loved ones behind? Or was it just physical pain? We will never know.
I will know when I die. I will definitely miss earth. It is such a beautiful place. Unfortunately I will not be able to blog my experience.
I wish we were given one last chance, just after the physical death. The mystery of death would then be solved for ever.
I don't think my mind is here. This blog is so incoherent.