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Where are you going?

I found Illusions by Richard Bach deeper and more fun to read than Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Perhaps I am biased, for I read Illusions before I read Seagull.
Here's a fun thing to do. This is from Illusions:
The simplest questions are the most profound.Where were you born?
Think about these once in awhile, and watch your answers change.
Where is your home?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Let me try and answer:
Where were you born?-----Shillong (it is a picture postcard city, capital of Meghalaya, India)
Where is your home?------Bangalore, India
Where are you going?-----Ummmm....
What are you doing?------Blogging
You can at once see that my answers are superficial - except for question 3 that has stumped me completely. So, here's what I intend to do. I shall return to this post and add to the comment the answers aftrer giving it very careful thought.
Now you know what I mean by Illusions being 'deeper and more fun'?
Why don't you try to answer these questions?
Wait, wait, I just thought of another set of answers ...
Where were you born?-----In a hospital
Where is your home?------Bangalore, India
Where are you going?-----Ummmm....
What are you doing?------Formulating an answer to the above question.
I am sure you can do better than that.
By the way, I wanted to list down all the quotes from the book, but some one has beaten me to it. See Quotes from "Illusions" by Richard Bach