DAY 292

Kanya Kumari… a word, a location one has been hearing since geography and nation and country started making sense. Now after 67 years of my existence finally to be here - a region of my own country, never visited before.
The flight in was a bit delayed but comfortable. The visage below was exciting. As has always been every time one crosses destinations over Bharat Mata. Landscape getting greener and after a while the majestic mountains - the Nilgiris. ‘Nil’ being blue, ‘giri’ mountains. And they actually look blue as you fly 37,000 ft above them. Its not the reflection of the clear blue sky. They are blue in color. Lovely, serene and beautiful. And within a short time, the long stretch of the coastline of Kerala weaves about underneath and as we come in on an approach, the millions of palm and banana trees, the sea, the back waters… and touch down !!
Kerala.. the most literate state in the country. Picturesque and serene ambiance. Tourist friendly. Some of who,or some of which, whatever, occupy seats behind me in the aircraft and in front of me in the bus to the terminal, taking videos and snaps of dark-glassed, white goated AB !! Guess they thought I must be some celebrity. A few passengers in the plane had left their seats and come for autographs, as had the Captain and Ist Officer from the cockpit and they probably observed that.
The drive was long. 3 hrs. Traveling through Kerala, entering Tamilnadu and on to Kanya Kumari. There is no particular signage as you leave one state and enter the other. Or maybe there is. Could have slipped by as I dozed off. I drew my assumptions from the political party banners that gradually changed en route. The red hammer and sickle of the Communist party CPI(M) in power in one to the yellow and black and rising sun of the DMK in the other.
Went straight to the location and bearded and wigged up in a jiffy, as can be most vividly seen in accompanying photograph for your benefit and on to a bridge, where I walk through in some distress and pain. Evident..??
The bridge has a history. It is temporary. Made of rough make shift iron, because.. this is the spot where the Tsunami hit the coast some years ago and caused destruction. In one of the snaps behind me can be seen some concrete. A road like concrete going into the water. That is one quarter of the actual bridge that was swept away by this giant wave . In another photograph to my right in the water can be seen a loop like structure. That is the other section of the massive bridge that was washed away. Every other construction around this tiny fishing village was devastated. Except… that church in the background behind which the sun sets. That celestial edifice withstood the waters !!
In one of the photographs there is the visual of the sea, a few stone banks and some boats in the fore ground. Well.. that is where the Tsunami came in from and wrecked the area with a savaging, ferocious intensity.
The village has been renamed since as the Tsunami Village.
I am now in my room, quietly overlooking the end of the mainland into the vast Indian Ocean. In fact.. the point where three water masses meet - the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean; a minute or two away from the historic Vivekananda Rock - a symbol of the great religious philosopher that trod this land and influenced millions with his teachings..
Back to bed now.. have to be bearded by 6 am !!
And oh.. India just beat SriLanka in the final of the tour in the T20. They are playing just across the waters virtually, on the Emerald Isle. A remarkable miraculous win. India, down and out during most of the game until the final moment, when the two Pathan brothers, Irfan and Yousuf smashed the ball all over the park and gave us victory !! Yipee !! I sleep well tonight !
Vanakkam !!
Amitabh Bachchan