DAY 320
“The one who wins over situations with the power of ones own stage is a winner.”
“The earth weighs 6.6 Septillion tons. Don’t make it heavier my carrying a heavy heart ! Stay light. Laugh often. Love much…”
“Arrogance does not allow understanding. Adamance does not allow adjustment. Ego does not allow clarity.”
How does one value each other ?
Is it by the informality of the casual or the determination of sustained relationship. What is it that brings two people or a group of people together. Do we see or seek opportunity in association or do we seek a companionship that remains with us almost perpetually. Does the companionship bring a presence of joy and fresh thought in our life. Or is it done to bring fresh ideas. Does one see benefit or does one see exploitation. Is it demonstrative enough to gather acclaim. Is it silent and reserved, yet deep enough to be unfathomed.
Do meeting of temperaments assure association or do opposites be a greater and stronger attraction. Do friends eventually take the place and respect of family or will there always be a glass ceiling that shall constrain and restrict us. Will the power of the friend be excessively more powerful than the power of the family.
If friend is family and vice versa, will and can there be a distinction between the two. Then if there is no distinction as is wont, will friend ever replace family ; not literally but perhaps philosophically.
Who will sit on judgement then on an issue that challenges this concept belief or understanding. Is challenge an option in relationships such as this. True depth of expression will be determined by such tests. But then would failure in a test spell failure in relationship.
It takes decades to build a relationship ; it takes only a silly moment to break it.
I give because I do not know how to take. I would take generosity, care and affection and give it back in greater measure. It would be simple to add, because I do not know subtraction. I am aware of multiplication, but division I cannot spell or entertain.
Teach me O! Lord the grace to value without motive , to consummate in an ideal world, the richness of holding hands, of walking together, of thinking alike for that shall be my only and my greatest salvation..
My love,
Amitabh Bachchan