DAY 401
A new introduction to the blog.
On the right side of the face page, below where the MoBlog is and at the very bottom is a fresh block introduced called ‘POLLS’. I shall be putting out a question and several options for the EF to vote on. It would be interesting to assess what the members think and how. Later on maybe, once the results come in, we could initiate a debate, either to justify the result or to negate it. I believe that this could be the beginning of a novel concept where we could encourage a somewhat democratic based opinion meter.
The promo from the film ‘Teen Patti’ on our blog, seemed to disturb the producers. They called to say that another site had surreptitiously taken the promos from us and were now running it as their’s. Also that the particular sight was linked to a TV channel and soon the channel would be airing the promo as a scoop. Her fears were that the film was still a while away from release and any kind of such exposure would make the product stale and that the quality of the colors and sound on the trailer were still not of the top most quality and therefore it would create a wrong impression. I do not necessarily contribute in agreement to her contentions, but she is the producer and a lady, so I acquiesce and advise the server to pull it off the blog.
Strange that they should feel so. They marketed it in Cannes and showcased this trailer for the press and buyers there. So what is the difference… Oh !! Got it !! Ok for French not for us Indians !! Certainly not for this one particular Indian. Cie la vie !!
For those that had an opportunity to see it, I am grateful for your comments of appreciation. For those that missed it, well there shall be another time. My server during the course of our meeting on this and other related enhancement activities, informed me that there was a certain kind of pilfering that was rampant in the medium of the internet. I believe, and so he informs me that, the entire content of my blog is cut and pasted on to another site, who then declare themselves as the official carrier of my writing. Dear me, this is so unethical and illegal. What does one do in such circumstances !! Lie back and enjoy it, or what ??
On the other hand we have a desperate gentleman from the world of the mobile that sms ed in today the following -
Dearest Amitji, though I’ve always been a diehard fan of both
your father and you, in my personal view, you may be doing grave
disservice to the great pedigree of both late Shri Harvinchraiji and
Shmt Tejiji by writing pretty mundane, meaningless and amateurish stuff
on ur blogsite. Sometimes while reading it, I often wonder, hey I can
write better than that !… but then, I’m no Big ‘B’
I sincerely hope that you take my views in the right perspective & not personally! Best regards, Tarun Sareen
P.S Plz don’t even remotely encourage Jayaji, Abhi & Aish to get into this habit !!
Mobile number : + 919820302030
Mr Tarun Sareen I have some very simple words in response to your advice. As a diehard fan of my Father’s, I would have expected, at the very least, for you to be able to spell his name correctly ! Thank you !
What reactions the EF will have on this regarding the veracity of my writing I shall leave to their better judgement. If someone has the liberty to acquire my mobile number without my knowledge and consent, to send me free advice, I do not see any harm if the EF were to indulge themselves in similar practice and retaliate. This is a free and fair practicing world !! And blog !!
And yes… there are rumblings from the media on my harmless intrusions into their world. They do not appreciate the mentioning on blog of my interactions with them. Okayyyy… fine, we shall not indulge in actions that betray our trust, MrMrsMissM/s Media. Only you shall have that liberty. You who are the epitome of honesty and truth, of integrity and conscience, you the guardians of the nation, incorruptible and forthright, shall always be in that exalted position. Right !! Point noted ! Thy word shall be adhered to ! Your Godliness shall prevail and we thy servants shall pay obescience in humble servility !!
Bhawana Somaaya, the author of Bachchanalia and several other books, the editor of several film magazines and who now runs her own blog wrote a piece on me which I reproduce here for the benefit of EF -
Amitabh Bachchan-TOUCH STONE
In many ways he is like a Jack in the Box. Every time the media decides it is time up for the actor he springs back with a rejuvenated energy. And he is doing this for almost four decades.
His career, his personal life and even his medical history is the stuff best sellers are made of.
He has traveled from B&W to Color films, from Dolby to Sync sound, from single screens to multiplexes. From small budgets to multistars to English films and from older to younger co-stars and directors. His list of his accomplishments is endless
In his 182 films spanning 40 years he has played all kinds of roles, donned all kinds of costumes, befriended different animals-tiger, falcon, Alsatian even a dolphin. He has walked on fire, rolled on mud, flew over carpet and jumped over bombs. He has played urban, rural, young, old, good and evil.
He is the first to be regarded as a sex symbol in his autumn years. The first to stage concerts of international standards. His celebrity status transcends national boundaries and his fans have spread in every corner of the globe without having to go through Hollywood.
He is the sole survivor of his contemporaries- the only actor to be discovered at every turning point of Indian cinema.
A heart to heart conversation with the megastar.
What kind of a child were you?
Normal…I would say quite reserved and not particularly argumentative.
What do you recall of those early days?
It’s strange, but early memories remain vivid even after so many years. There are times when I’m not able to recall what happened ten years ago or sometimes even ten days ago but memories of childhood are imprinted in our psyche. Probably because life at that time was much slower and little moments left an impression. Today, everything occurs so swiftly and rapidly, that it’s impossible to recapitulate events. I have vibrant memories of my childhood…I remember the various homes we lived in, our daily routine, our conversations at the dinning table.
Was growing up turbulent?
Not much turbulence. To a large extent, the sobriety of living life on an even keel came from the family. All our problems were referred back to mom and dad. The first major conflict came soon after completing college. It was the beginning of the uncertain phase-of not knowing what to do…or where to go. These are conflicts everybody has to go through.
Can you share some of the early memories with your father?
Dad was always either at his desk or away at work. My predominant memories of him are of him behind his desk, writing. He was very focused, very disciplined and spent most of the time in his study. He worked 12 to 14 hours every single day and the discipline continued when we shifted to Delhi and I began to attend college. Or even many years later when I started working in Calcutta and then shifted to Mumbai. There were times when he was consumed by his writing and totally shut out from the rest of us for days at stretch but no matter how busy he was he was always accessible to us.
Your wife says you are a lot like your father.
Yes, I like to keep to myself and by temperament I’m disciplined. Like him I worry if a family member falls ill. One could always depend upon dad and my family knows that they can rely upon me. My mother says that I was responsible even as a little boy. I have heard my parents recount stories about me. One day, my mother just collapsed on the floor at night. Dad was away in England and my younger brother was too young so I lifted her up from the bathroom and sent the servant on a bicycle with a written note to summon the doctor (we didn’t had the telephone then). For days, my mother couldn’t stop talking about how responsibly I had conducted myself.
You have often said that in moments of stress, it’s your father’s poetry that rejuvenates you. Will your children be able to say the same about your work?
No… they will not find solace in my work but they will definitely feel rejuvenated after reading my father’s work. My work will become obsolete in a year or two, but my father’s work will continue for centuries. It will provide them and their children the strength to move on.
Your work engages you constantly in the company of the new breed do you ever feel out of place?
Not in the least. I can never feel out of place simply because I have a living example of a youngster in my own house, my son Abhishek. I’m familiar with the new breed lingo and feel equipped to fit in to their world. I find the new breed extremely stimulating and enjoy their company. I would like to believe that they enjoy my company equally for I’m thoroughly clued in what’s happening in their world.
For a long time you were the only actor in the family. Now every member of the family is active. Does that increase the level of pressures?
Not at all… Do families that have three businessmen, three doctors or politicians, have increased pressure levels, so why should it be any different with a family of actors? We are normal people and much as people don’t like to believe it we lead a very normal life.
For the position you are in do you find yourself surrounded by unwarranted advisors?
Somehow advice has always been there, It has come in from all quarters- at times productive at other times not so productive. I find consolation in the fact that I’m important enough for people to entertain thoughts about my career and life in their conversations. I would like to believe that I matter to people offering me advice whether warranted or unwarranted though I accept that unwarranted advice is not always flattering.
What does friendship mean to you?
I don’t think friendship can be defined…relationships are too precious and cannot be slotted in compartments. These are areas I’d like to keep to myself. Talking about them destroys the very essence and should remain between the two people involved. Talking about sensitive issues defeats their very purpose.
Do you believe that friendship is always between equals?
I have never thought about it in this perspective. Friendship is private and subjective and there cannot be rigid rules governing it.
What does happiness means to you?
It’s a difficult question to answer but I would say happiness is seeing the welfare of the people who depend upon you. To be able to see your children prosper…To be able to wake up in the morning and see your loved ones healthy. I think one reaches a stage in life when all these things are of prime importance because it’s the worry of those you care for that really bogs you down.
Do you ever feel unconfident or unsure?
Of course I do, don’t all of us and isn’t it natural to feel so. I’m unconfident all the time, before a new film, before a new shot or before a new release. Insecurity is an overwhelming emotion in any creative profession but challenge lies in rising above these anxieties both as an actor and as a person. That is life and as long as there is life, there is struggle.
How important is reassurance to you?
Very important especially when I’m in distress or feeling weighed down but not from outsiders. I seek reassurance only from the family and I know that they will stand by me at the cost of personal sacrifices. The reverse is also true.
When you look back on your Herculean past, how would you describe your journey?
I would say I have flown with the tide…I have no complaints with my life. I think I’ve got much more than I deserved and feel humbled by the love and affection of the people for so many years. Remember the famous poem- ‘There’s a tide in the affairs of men…’ I have just followed that.
The camera is often intrusive have you ever felt caught off-guard?
The camera does its job and it is the artiste’s responsibility to conceal what he does not want to reveal to the world. When an actor is in front of the camera he feels a number of emotions but not all of them are for display. Actors are human beings too and we endure the same pressures that other individuals go through only they don’t face the camera so in that sense the actor is far more vulnerable.
You once mentioned feeling angry with Marlon Brando for getting old?
I was angry because he had put on too much weight and neglected his appearance. I felt the same way about Al Pacino when I saw him after a very long gap. He had aged and didn’t the same look the way I had grown up watching him. It was a phase of transformation for the actor and also the viewer. Gradually I got accustomed to the new look and accepted my heroes whole heartedly.
You went through a similar phase too.
Yes, the actor and the audience need to have the maturity to accept that everyone is human and change is inevitable…We need to accept that all of us will get old and age is not always flattering… If we can accept this gracefully, without resentment, then good for the actor and good for the viewer! Life is all about acceptance.
Do you still read the Bhagawat Gita regularly?
(Somaay is a cinema journalist for almost three decades and has authored nine books on the subject of films. Her prominent titles include Salaam Bollywood, Hema Malini: Authorised Biography and Fragmented Frames. Two of her nine books are on Amitabh Bachchan- The Legend released in 1999 and Bachchanalia released in 20009. The above interview is excerpted from the former.)
On another topic she wrote in her blog -
The Show Goes On
5 May 09
A few weeks ago Amitabh Bachchan’s office phoned to say that they were sending me a letter by courier. The envelope enclosed besides a covering letter from the actor two newspaper cuttings (Times of India March 22 2009-Slumdog Divide and Indian Express March 25 2009-Tale of two Cities) and a copy of Bachchan’s letter addressed to TOI editor.
The letter is in response to the above articles making reference to him and written after a lot of deliberation.
Everyone knows that Amitabh Bachchan is an extremely tolerant person and not easily provoked but once he decides to get after something he follows it to the finishing line.
Consider the following:
In 1975 when the Congress party imposed the Emergency, some section of the media accused Amitabh of influencing the Gandhis’ for the press ban. A leading film magazine of that time aggravated the situation by putting a ban on him. It is said that Amitabh was so upset by the unfairness of the act that he decided to ban the entire film media.
The war lasted for almost two decades when every day the actor was attacked on personal and professional front by innumerable publications but no matter how hostile the stories Bachchan was never provoked to break his silence.
Finally in 1990 in a surprise move Bachchan made up with the media. He spoke to every single newspaper, magazine in every language all over India and abroad so that nobody could accuse him of discriminating one against the other. The laborious exercise took a lot of his precious time but he felt he owed to them and patiently endured the never ending QA sessions day after day for months.
In the coming years when he was fighting the Bofors he challenged every newspaper implicating charges against him in India and abroad. He defied lawyers, institutions and even took on then Prime Minister V P Singh. For months at stretch until his brother Ajitabh and he were granted the clean chit in the matter by the UK court Bachchan worked tirelessly to clear his and his family’s name in the scandal.
In 1998 when his newly founded company ABCL got into a financial mess and there were rumors of his house being mortgaged he was advised to declare himself insolvent to absolve himself of debts but Bachchan preferred to put the empire together brick by brick and turn the tide. It took several months of hardship and heartbreak but he persisted and succeeded in turning the fortune wheel.
Today, reading his letter to the editor there is a feeling of deja vu. It is evident that he is frustrated of being hounded and clarifying his stand to the media on the same topics (son’s marriage, donation to a temple, Slum dog Millionaire) over and over again and wants relief from accusations. “Poverty is not a crime, neither is wealth…” he writes in the letter. “ I’m not ashamed of it. I am an actor. I have a profession. I have made it, lost it, made it again. I have paid my creditors, my taxes and my shareholders…” He ends the letter asserting his right to response on a public platform.
This is not the angry actor we are accustomed to watching on the screen. It is not a letter written in rage. This is the outpouring of an anguished man determined to burry all controversies forever.
This is the quintessential Bachchan…Calm and withdrawn on the surface but once determined there is no stopping him.
Bhawana Somaaya
Its an early call tomorrow for PAA. The prosthetics shall reappear and a margin of four hours shall have to be kept aside for it. I must to bed.. to bed … to bed..
Do not forget the POLLS column…lets make it work and in an interesting manner…
My love,
Amitabh Bachchan