DAY 458
I made some desperate attempts to answer as many comments as I could and as I went along the comments kept increasing. It began with around 125, which I felt was achievable if I started early. But I would do 10 and another 50 would come along ! I gave up at a point where I felt I would have to be up all night with answers and not be able to do the blog.
I chose the blog over the answers. But the idea remains. The intent remains and the will.
I became slightly adventurous today. Stepped out to get a few medications at a pharmacy and ended up getting a whole lot of other stuff. Little things like special toothpastes and brushes for the teeth, wrist bands for ailing ‘blog punching fingers’, a waist brace to keep my back straight and comfortable and a handy bag to carry all my gym equipment. The market is full of such variety and style, its an expedition to undertake. And the moment you decide on one and buy it, you walk past another store with better merchandise and you curse yourself for not having come by the second shop first.
But really.. it is such an embarrassment to enter a store look around, dislike objects shown and walk away to another. At least for me it is painful to do so. Women are masters at this. They have the capacity to pull an entire store down and then walk away saying they did not like anything !! I just cannot do that and I cannot be in a situation where I am accompanying the lady to a store when she is about to begin a demolition !!!
Men … get in, chose the object of desire, price, purchase … out of there.
Women … o! boy ! .. let me not attempt to even go there.
So got a nice, comfortable, soft, tight fitting case, for the computer - protective gear for this most important and precious element in the .. connect ! And got one for the wife as well for her lighter MacAir. She seemed pleased. Cooked me a pasta for dinner as the last strains of ’GREY’S ANATOMY’ came to an emotional end. Season over. Got to switch to WEST WING now. Had left it mid way some months ago.
Singapore breathes efficiency and sterilized existence. Had a problem yesterday as you know with the internet. Took the liberty and the chance of calling the management downstairs and making a soft request if something could be done. Within seconds the door bell rand and suitably attired gentlemen, shoes off by the door, entered and had solution to the problem sorted in the next minute. And here I am, with a stupid grin on my face, hammering away at the keys to the ‘familia extendum’.
No, do not Google that remark to check on my brilliance. Its just a cooked up daft remark which I just made up, so that with the passage of time when we shall - ’shall’ fellas - get insulated tired and entirely fed up with the caps., EF, we could all switch to …
‘famext’ … !!
Got it ? Thought you would !!
National day for Singapore coming up. I think its 9th August. The city decorates itself with banners and flags at vantage points. The National Emblem, the LION face, prominent in its majesty looking down upon us, its lustrous mane symbolically divided into 5 partings depicting - democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.
During the Singapore IIFA they had generously decorated the streets with banners of the event and gave us a most warm and hospitable welcome. I had the great honor of having an orchid, the country’s national flower, named after me at a most gracious ceremony at the orchid museum here. I brought it home to Mumbai and it still flowers in my garden as a most memorable symbol of the people of this island.
Many in the ‘famext’.. hey, I am already beginning to use this alternative .. have desired some photographs of Singapore, preferably with me ‘doing’ the streets ! Hokkayy ! An effort ’shall’ be made ! Overdoing this ’shall’ bit ?? Fine we shall put an end to it, willingly !
Got a really smart one on my mobile sms.. a bit risque.. but what the hell we are all adults are we not.. barring a few 16 year olds !
And here it is - its by Woody Allen -
“In my next life i want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people’s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you are young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in a luxurious spa and end up as an orgasm…”
A lot of people I forwarded it to, thought it was just brilliant !
Then I got another one -
” Who says we don’t exercise ? we jump to conclusions, drag our feet, throw our weight around, stretch the truth, bend the rules and go around in circles !!
SUN TV … here I come !! Amma ! Yennaka passika de amma !!
Vanakkam !
