DAY 459
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DAY 459


Strong reactions to the poll have been registered well and the consternation of those that feel they have been unfairly treated, justifiable.

But hear e all my brethren ! ‘Tis but a matter of fun and gay frolic that prompted me to address the questions thus. Were it to have been of some offence to FmXt, herewith sincerest apologies and grave despair on me that causeth anguish. It was not meant to be in the manner born. It was but an exuberance that engulfed my sleep deprived senses at the hour of the morn – 4:30 am !!

The functionality of the offensive poll shall herewith be promptly withdrawn and the occurrence be looked upon as the figment of deep and disastrous imagination upon him that had printeth these hand written font words..

Kshama ! Kshama ! Kshama !

Which in plain Elizabethan English would mean - direct them that needed translation to do just that – go hither to Google Translate !!

For long, the morning hours have been devoted to the conditions of the mind, in search of suitable connections to the Motherland for the execution of certain important conferences. It has also, as is wont, been constructive in trying to gather all that commeth in the shape of written comment.

Blessed be the Lord !!

There be some extenuating circumstances prevailing. My limited mind knoweth not what implications they be. But they be, and they be well and sincere.

They talketh of deliberate stopages at the line that painteth itself yellow and pale. They conjecture that there be no desire to address those that commeth after.

“ The Ides of March are here..”

“Aye Caesar , but not gone !!”

fear not the limitations of the yellowish pale creature, loved ones. They are but illusionary. There is more and much more in desire for them that miss its absence.

Time the healer of all mankind, will prevail upon its master and compel him to address those that shall remain unattended.

“Is this a dagger that I see before me…?!”

No.. no.. my Lord ! We beseech you, fear not the compelling circumstances. We shall overcome such impediments –

“Once more unto the breach dear friends once more,

Or close the wall up with our…… “

Justice shall prevail and for them that hath believed that they be wronged, preference towards the palish jaundiced line shall stand horizontal upon their name ! So help me… time and FmXt !! ha ha.. got you there.. you thinketh it were to be ‘God’… no sire, maam, mistress, lady, senor… it be my ardent wish and desire !!

I retire now to inner climes of the white prevalent. Of modems that sprout the liquid of life – aqua !

In short – a bath !

Thenceforth upon the passage of prayer and meditation to friend and companion who lies distraught in sterile confines..

But with the promise that I returneth, invigored and unconcerned on deprivation of the closed eyes, to you my brethren, sistren… or whatever manner it is that Shakespeare may have addressed his and others’ sisters…

Aabaar dekha hobbe…


