The Blues Of
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The blues of

As the G's of the world( as described in G8 & G20) head for yet another conference to clear the way for climate bill.Hence reduced CFC's, minimized usage of fossil fuels. The world will turn "Green'!
Will it????
The business lobbies will hinder its progress,the developing countries would deny the curbs and The debates on this issue will continue to make headlines
Although socially gloomy, entrepreneurs will have something to cheer about. The green industry will have significant business prospects to offer.Green industry revolves around development and production of eco-friendly products right from air conditioners to automobiles. This industry has been kept away from being successful by the powerful business lobbies of the west.
The automobile industry is reaching a dead end as the deposits of fossil fuels are rapidly reducing. There is an uncertainty about what next. Solar cars, battery driven two wheelers are likely to fit into this void.
The power generation would also experience the void as the thermal power operates on coal resources and nuclear power poses high risk as the waste management of nuclear fuels still lack proper technology.
Green industry not only offers employment opportunities but also research opportunities.
Further, in India, there are numerous incentives awarded for these eco-friendly industries. Government offers paid fellowships to the elites who research in this area
While production firms enjoy befits like subsidies, tax exemptions etc .Further, the "Carbon Credits" scheme would act as a bonus to these entrepreneurs to make enough profit without disturbing the environmental set up.
Leaving the question of investing to the readers,let me put my pen down with a famous quote: "Successful people never do different things but they do normal things differently"
