Effects of the Planets on our daily life
Your Sun Sign is where the Sun was placed in the Zodiac at the time of your birth. Sun signs have become the staple diet of popular astrology, because everyone knows their birthday and the Sun's position can be easily worked out.
Here's how: we divide the year into twelve months of around thirty days each and the Sun takes about thirty days to travel through each of the twelve astrological signs. Easy, huh!
Archetypal symbolism involved with each Sun sign, but each of us is a lot more than just our Sun sign. Everyone's personality is a unique combination of influences from the Sun, the Moon and all the planets of the Solar System at the time and place of our birth.
Astrology has a set of procedures on reaching any conclusions. This involves date of birth. time, place, name at the time of birth, exiting complete name etc. for palmistry impressions of both right and left palm. In face/photo reading latest not more than one weak snap without make up even without any type of cream.
Astrology is the science which comprises the foretelling of the regular movement of the planets the fortunes and misfortunes of men and women on this earth.
Only a detailed astrological analysis can give you on providing full details.