Abuse And Denial Of Fundamental Rights
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Abuse and denial of Fundamental Rights

On Republic Day, I had an argument with an ex-mutineer, and a right-wing Hindu nationalist author. Right-wing might be putting it mildly. For all I know he might’ve also believed, like many others did, that Obama rhymes with Osama and his middle name, Hussein, implies some relationship with the late Mr. Saddam. Let me tell those who think this way that Obama isn’t a terrorist (in fact he isn’t even Muslim) and MS Dhoni isn’t a Microsoft Product.

Anyhow, his harmless wish was nothing but a “Happy Republic Day” accompanied by a smiley. GoogleTalk doesn’t (yet) have an anti-Islamic or anti-Secular smiley, so he had to make do with the ordinary one. As you see, the guy is such a rightist that if he bowled right-arm-around-the-wicket he’d miss the popping crease and deliver from mid-wicket. *That* right-wing. For all practical purposes, we shall henceforth refer to him as mid-wicket.

So, mid-wicket’s idea of religious tolerance is permitting Muslims to understand the principles of Hindutva, which may be a way of life but if it differs from core Islamic principles then you’re breaking your head against a brick wall. Mid-wicket understands this as much as Modi prays five times a day.

Midwicket had the nerve to wish me a Happy Republic Day. I told him that I refuse to accept his wishes, and he asked why. Here we go.

Midwicket: Happy Republic Day :-)
Me: Sorry, I don’t accept your wishes.
Midwicket: Why not?
Me: To begin with, do you know *why* we celebrate Republic Day?
Midwicket: Yes, to remember that our constitution was adopted today.
Me: Good, not many people knew that. Now, do you know what the constitution is?
Midwicket: You don’t?
Me: Maybe, maybe not. Do you?
Midwicket: Yes.
Me: Do you know what it says?
Midwicket: What part?
Me: Three. Fundamental Rights. Heard of them?
Midwicket: Yes, why?
Me: Do you know what’s in the Fundamental Rights?
Midwicket: Yes, why?
Me: Right to equality. Right to Freedom of Religion. Heard of Right to Freedom of Religion?
Midwicket: Yes.
Me: You’re an author, a responsible author, no?
Midwicket: Yes.
Me: Good. Let me tell you that you, a responsible author, abuse the right to freedom of expression to deny people right to freedom of religion. When you abuse one fundamental right to deny the other, both of which form the core of the constitution, you have no right to wish anyone or celebrate Republic Day. As a result, I do not accept your wishes.

There has not been a response from him since. He might be wincing in pain at the fact that our constitution permits freedom for Muslims and Christians and Sikhs and other religions to practice freely. I’m proud of our country for the same reason. The recent Mangalore and MNS incidents are examples of fundamental rights being violated. We should stop asking the Government for answers. I think we should constructively give up on the Government. We should assume that the Central and State Governments are incapable of improving the situation: at best they are only capable of ‘managing’ and ‘adjusting’ with existing resources, processes and corruption. We should hence expect little from whoever gets voted at the center, be it the NDA or UPA. Instead, we must chart out, at our own little levels, what we can do to make our lives and those of our neighbourhood and community better. Not being a regionalist, but setting our sights lower and first cleaning up the mess amongst our own little areas is a logical first step before we reach out to a national agenda.

As for midwicket, such people who clearly abuse fundamental rights must either be punished or banned from expressing their opinion. Raj Thackeray too, for all you care, has an opinion: he has a negative opinion on North Indians and takes them on. The Ram Sena, the MNS and anyone midwicket is associated with must be banned before hate engulfs a land that has been tolerant since the sand of mankind’s hourglass has been trickling down in time.

