Innovative Or Destructive ???
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Innovative or destructive ???

Client Service Co-ordinator

China, world's largest populated country implements a very innovative way of waste disposal. Do you have any idea how? Well, let me share you the secret!

"Made in China" , that's a very well known term you will get to hear when you try to buy any thing from the road-side hawkers. All kinds of electronic goods, toys and many more products tagged with "Made in China" are sold at wholesale price( a very nominal price ). Those products are really innovative and attractive. But have you ever thought, how China can manufacture these products and sell them at such a nominal price. Well, you might not have any answer for this; but if you read my blog you will definitely get it, and next time when you are going to buy any "Made in China" product, you are surely going to think twice.

Well, now comes the secret. China recycles those factory hazardous wastes to manufacture these attractive and innovative products. Then they slowly distributes these products to poor countries like India, Bangladesh, Myanmar etc.

Indian foot-paths are swamped with hawkers selling these hazardous products. They don't even know what they are selling. Think of the toys which are bought for babies. Babies have a tendency to put everything into their mouth. Mouth is their only sense organ. Now think of the pathetic situation. Dyslexia!!! Remember "tare jameen par"!!! Our Indian scientists have found that these China made toys are causing Dyslexia; and the number of affected babies and children is increasing these days.

Now tell me, is this innovative or is it destructive. Its like some irresponsible selfish people who drop garbage outside their house to keep their house clean. China is doing the same thing. Indian Government has already taken steps to curb the distribution of these kind of products. But we, the public should also help the government by not buying those products anymore.
