Be enthusiastic!! -:)
It is the greatest day of your life. Say what, you don't even know what I am going through, what I face today isn't great. OK, well just calm down a little bit and think about it, is what you are facing today that bad, I mean 100% bad, like horrible of all horrible? Did someone set you fire? You still have your arms, hands and feet don't you?
What is so bad about this day?
If you stop for a minute, look around you, and really think you will realize this is a great day. Be enthusiastic about the day and the day will respond with enthusiasm. Regardless of what you face, be happy, remember it could always get worse and it might unless you face this test with enthusiasm.
The old fake it until you make it thing works but you have to look past all the negative and replace the negative with positive thoughts. Believe me, you can find the positive, it takes work but you can find something positive in everything.
Be enthusiastic! Put a smile on your face, step in your walk, and hold your head up high repeat these words, "this day is great".
What is the opposite of enthusiasm? Misery and I guess if you want to be miserable, that is certainly your choice but the pay off to enthusiasm is far greater than it is with misery. So, be enthusiastic day. No matter what happens today be determined to face the day with joy, positive thoughts and love. I figure if you can do one out of the three, joy, positive thoughts and love you will have a good day.
Have a great enthu day!! I'm sure i would make your day always!