Effective And Simple Approach To Cope With Your Anger -:)
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Effective and Simple Approach to Cope With your Anger -:)


Managing/Manage your temper is essential for your well being and for your health as well as for your career and personal relationships. Indeed, getting angry easily and for long periods can damage your heart and your nervous system as well as your communication with other people. So, you have to deal with the problem timely and adequately. Medication is definitely not the way to go about it. Instead, try these suggestions to cope with anger as they have been tested and proven to work. If you are on medication, please do not stop taking it until you have spoken to your doctor.

The first step is to start a log or rather a diary in which you will write about every event that has made you angry. Also, it is a good idea to note how long the condition lasts and in what ways you find relief eventually. This might sound a bit too strange, but if you want to manage your temper you will have to figure out what and/or who triggers it and when this happens. In this way you will find out the reasons behind your rage.

Use your diary to determine the situations that can potentially make you feel anger and devise effective methods to cope with them without falling into this mood. In many cases it is best to avoid such a situation. Once you feel that your temper will get out of control, simply make an excuse and leave. Then return after you have relaxed and feel ready to face the problem again.

The next step involves practicing the basic technique to cope with anger. You have to learn to give it some thought before you express the rage you feel. It is true that the feeling suddenly overwhelms you, but if you try to hold it for just a few moments, you will definitely feel a bit calmer, less angry and more willing to discuss and deal with the problem rather than get more annoyed about it.

It is best if you find ways in which to channel your anger in a different direction rather than torturing the people around you. This is very therapeutic and will definitely make you feel better. Usually people choose a challenging and aggressive sport, but you might want to go for a hobby that makes you feel relaxed and in peace with yourself.

As you can see this way to cope with anger is easy, but it takes time to work. So, set your target goals to get more motivated for completing all the steps. No one and nothing can help you if you are not ready for the change.

P.S. A man comes face to face with the rage he didn't know he had in this comedy


