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It was a bright and sunny
Sunday afternoon, and there were fewer clouds in the sky. It was quite
strange sight to see clear sky especially in the month of June. I was
enjoying my afternoon Sunday nap and was pampering myself with nice
afternoon sleep. Suddenly I heard dogs barking loudly in front of my
house. That was a familiar dog bark for me. That was from my sweet
heart pets named Mittu & Tommy.

Recently Mittu has become proud mother of 5 puppies. The Mittu’s family was staying in small drainage pipe, which was left in the road after the work done by BBMP. When I came out to check the reason for their bark and it was like, 2 buffaloes were moving through the street. At that time, puppies were having their playtime, pulling each others leg; biting and they were so involved that they didn’t know about the buffaloes coming in their way.
Mittu was lying down like a proud mother and watching her babies’ playtime. Suddenly she saw the danger, approaching the puppies. She began to show aggressive behavior to scare the buffaloes off and also giving warning to puppies about the up-coming danger in their way. Hearing the warning, puppies ran to Mittu for their cover.
But buffaloes were giving, ‘I don’t care’ attitude to Mittu. They totally ignored Mittu’s barking and were walking through the street. As they nearly passed almost some meters from there, Puppies also joined with Mittu and began to bark behind these buffaloes keeping a distance. Seeing the increase in the number of enemies, I guess buffaloes increased the walking speed and moved hastily from that place. I was watching the whole incident from the balcony of my house.
This small incident has given me another perspective that Size doesn’t matter, what matters is that attitude & team spirit to face any thing and belief in themselves & team which they belong. This incident also throws light on simple theme of unity and team spirit.
When I just looked into the clock, it was almost 4.30 pm and sun was starting its journey to take a break from the whole days work.

Along with sun’s journey, I was also getting ready to start my journey of wilderness and thirst of adventure. I plugged in my head phones to my ears and tuned my mobile to my favorite FM station. I wore my helmet and jacket and sat on my power machine. I started my power machine and slowly and steadily increased the accelerator to warm up machine for long ride.
My power machine was behaving like bull raging for fight, each time when I apply accelerator. Slowly I pushed the gear down and applied the accelerator and vehicle started moving at a phase of 20 km speed
I moved into a by lane to avoid the heavy inflow of traffic during that time. After riding for 10 mins, I enter the main lane which leads to the main road. As I was moving further, I could see a huge gathering in front of the house from distance and people were standing outside with a gloomy facial expression.

It seems to me like some member of that family has passed away. I was not able to see clearly and more over there were huge number of cars and bikes parked in the lane, making the movement of vehicles difficult. As I was about to pass through the front of house, I could hear women lamenting and crying with loud voice. The voice was increasing and I could see the family members taking the body of the 75 yr old man and taking the morgue to the burial ground, for performing last rituals to the departed soul.
I could see some people bursting crackers, band playing latest music tunes and some dancing, as the crowd was moving towards the burial ground. This forced me to think that- We may be born ,rich, famous, led an extravagant life or poor struggling, sometimes to get one day ‘s proper meal; What ever may be, those who are born in this world will ultimately return to earth and turn into ashes and dust.
So I was thinking, why we are showing ego, hatred, jealousy, backstabbing, cheating others , pulling down others to gain advantage over others, if our life is going to be settled in ashes and dust. I mean, what is the point of doing all these to attain that riches and glory and living without peace of mind. All these riches, glory& sufferings will ultimately be turned into ashes & dust. No one takes all these wealth along, when death comes to that person.
It’s quite a irony that when a person is born in this world, begins life with a cry, taking first breath of air in, and people distributing sweets to welcome the baby. When one leaves the world, take last breath with a cry, before soul is separated from the body. For both events People celebrate it with bursting crackers and dancing.
Giving a minute of respect to departed soul, I continued to move from that lane by praying in mind- May Soul Rest in peace.
After traveling for 5 mins from there, I entered the main road and I could see vehicles moving at a snail phase. To move a 2 meters, you have turn off and then again turn on ignition ,some times suddenly apply breaks ,then again accelerator and I was getting irritated by the this whole act. By doing the whole juggling act, I was able to reach the cross junction, where signal was set to 2 mins timer.
I started my gup shup adventure from there itself. When I was just looking around, I could hear a screeching sound of a Ford Icon car applying sudden break. All of sudden, all eyes in the street were looking at that car only. Next thing I could hear was another Maruthi Zen car‘s screeching sound and banging behind the Ford Icon car. It was a huge sound and everyone around was shocked to see that accident.
It was like both these cars were neck to neck and was trying to jump the signal. Signal was changing back to red at this moment and before these car drivers could really cross the signal.
By this time, vehicles from other side started moving seeing the green signal. So in order to avoid the collision, driver applied sudden break. The road was wet due to over flowing of drain water, when he applied break car skidded and stopped .Mean while maruthi Zen driver ,who was coming neck to neck ,couldn’t control his vehicle and had no other choice but to bang on the other car.
Luckily nothing happened much to both driver and both cars front and back had some minor scratches. Both drivers were engaged in heated argument and traffic police warden reached there and took over the control of the situation.
I continued my quest for my gup shup again. I saw a boy probably aged 8 or 9yrs approaching the car drivers and offering his service to clean the windshield and mirror of their car. Some were allowing them boy to clean it and paying the 5 rs for his service. He was very quick in his service and the car owners were getting a quality cleaning.
Next I saw two children probably aged 15 or 16 yrs selling ball to bikers and car riders. They are approaching the customers very selectively. Their selling strategy was very simple. They would show the ball to every one who is waiting for signal and just throw the ball into the air to catch the eye of onlookers. If they find children, they just allow the children to touch the ball and creating desire for the ball. Ultimately parents have no other choice, but to buy them.

Again 60 sec were still remaining and my quest still continued. Next my eyes caught the attention of beggar. He was keeping a drooping, sad face with his hands twisted and legs limping. He was wearing a torn dress and was carrying a small torn and patched black bag. He would limp and shiver his body and approach the cars and knock the windshields and beg for money.
This guy is actually quite normal and 100% healthy. When he approaches the cars, he would put some extra acting skills making the onlookers generate sympathy for him and he was able to collect between 5-10 Rs from each driver.
I have seen this guy earlier also. Once I was crossing the signal, I saw the same person walking normal along with fellow begging friend. Now a days begging has become an organized and working more or less like corporate structure. This reminded me of the Shakespeare quote that World is stage and we are all actors in this stage performing each ones roles perfectly.

As I still continued my gup shup, I just happened to look into the sky. The sky was turning into black, filled with rain clouds. I could feel the slight chill breeze, moving around and making the tree branches dance according to its tunes. I could see birds trying to get shelter in the trees before rain starts. I was sure that heavy rain is about to start and I had to ride my power machine in the rain.
As these thoughts were coming inside my mind, suddenly I could feel small drops of water in my hand. First it was like small drops, falling slowly and I could see small drops filling the dry and vacant space on the road. With in 2 sec, it started raining heavily and I was completely drenched.
Mean while when I looked around, I saw people running for cover .I saw two gals probably 18yrs of age were holding umbrella and enjoying the rain. They were laughing and giggling, catching hold of the rain drops which were dropping from their umbrella and throwing at each other’s face. They were having so much fun in the rain.
Next I could see a puppy running for cover .Lucky chap was able to find a shelter under a rock. I was so immersed in my gup shup that I forget where I was.
Suddenly I could hear screeching sound of vehicles horn behind me. I came back to my senses and I had only 4 sec remaining to kick start the engine. I just started my power machine and shifted the gear down to first gear to pursue my further journey in that rain.

Recently Mittu has become proud mother of 5 puppies. The Mittu’s family was staying in small drainage pipe, which was left in the road after the work done by BBMP. When I came out to check the reason for their bark and it was like, 2 buffaloes were moving through the street. At that time, puppies were having their playtime, pulling each others leg; biting and they were so involved that they didn’t know about the buffaloes coming in their way.
Mittu was lying down like a proud mother and watching her babies’ playtime. Suddenly she saw the danger, approaching the puppies. She began to show aggressive behavior to scare the buffaloes off and also giving warning to puppies about the up-coming danger in their way. Hearing the warning, puppies ran to Mittu for their cover.
But buffaloes were giving, ‘I don’t care’ attitude to Mittu. They totally ignored Mittu’s barking and were walking through the street. As they nearly passed almost some meters from there, Puppies also joined with Mittu and began to bark behind these buffaloes keeping a distance. Seeing the increase in the number of enemies, I guess buffaloes increased the walking speed and moved hastily from that place. I was watching the whole incident from the balcony of my house.
This small incident has given me another perspective that Size doesn’t matter, what matters is that attitude & team spirit to face any thing and belief in themselves & team which they belong. This incident also throws light on simple theme of unity and team spirit.
When I just looked into the clock, it was almost 4.30 pm and sun was starting its journey to take a break from the whole days work.

Along with sun’s journey, I was also getting ready to start my journey of wilderness and thirst of adventure. I plugged in my head phones to my ears and tuned my mobile to my favorite FM station. I wore my helmet and jacket and sat on my power machine. I started my power machine and slowly and steadily increased the accelerator to warm up machine for long ride.
My power machine was behaving like bull raging for fight, each time when I apply accelerator. Slowly I pushed the gear down and applied the accelerator and vehicle started moving at a phase of 20 km speed
I moved into a by lane to avoid the heavy inflow of traffic during that time. After riding for 10 mins, I enter the main lane which leads to the main road. As I was moving further, I could see a huge gathering in front of the house from distance and people were standing outside with a gloomy facial expression.

It seems to me like some member of that family has passed away. I was not able to see clearly and more over there were huge number of cars and bikes parked in the lane, making the movement of vehicles difficult. As I was about to pass through the front of house, I could hear women lamenting and crying with loud voice. The voice was increasing and I could see the family members taking the body of the 75 yr old man and taking the morgue to the burial ground, for performing last rituals to the departed soul.
I could see some people bursting crackers, band playing latest music tunes and some dancing, as the crowd was moving towards the burial ground. This forced me to think that- We may be born ,rich, famous, led an extravagant life or poor struggling, sometimes to get one day ‘s proper meal; What ever may be, those who are born in this world will ultimately return to earth and turn into ashes and dust.
So I was thinking, why we are showing ego, hatred, jealousy, backstabbing, cheating others , pulling down others to gain advantage over others, if our life is going to be settled in ashes and dust. I mean, what is the point of doing all these to attain that riches and glory and living without peace of mind. All these riches, glory& sufferings will ultimately be turned into ashes & dust. No one takes all these wealth along, when death comes to that person.
It’s quite a irony that when a person is born in this world, begins life with a cry, taking first breath of air in, and people distributing sweets to welcome the baby. When one leaves the world, take last breath with a cry, before soul is separated from the body. For both events People celebrate it with bursting crackers and dancing.
Giving a minute of respect to departed soul, I continued to move from that lane by praying in mind- May Soul Rest in peace.
After traveling for 5 mins from there, I entered the main road and I could see vehicles moving at a snail phase. To move a 2 meters, you have turn off and then again turn on ignition ,some times suddenly apply breaks ,then again accelerator and I was getting irritated by the this whole act. By doing the whole juggling act, I was able to reach the cross junction, where signal was set to 2 mins timer.
I started my gup shup adventure from there itself. When I was just looking around, I could hear a screeching sound of a Ford Icon car applying sudden break. All of sudden, all eyes in the street were looking at that car only. Next thing I could hear was another Maruthi Zen car‘s screeching sound and banging behind the Ford Icon car. It was a huge sound and everyone around was shocked to see that accident.
It was like both these cars were neck to neck and was trying to jump the signal. Signal was changing back to red at this moment and before these car drivers could really cross the signal.
By this time, vehicles from other side started moving seeing the green signal. So in order to avoid the collision, driver applied sudden break. The road was wet due to over flowing of drain water, when he applied break car skidded and stopped .Mean while maruthi Zen driver ,who was coming neck to neck ,couldn’t control his vehicle and had no other choice but to bang on the other car.
Luckily nothing happened much to both driver and both cars front and back had some minor scratches. Both drivers were engaged in heated argument and traffic police warden reached there and took over the control of the situation.
I continued my quest for my gup shup again. I saw a boy probably aged 8 or 9yrs approaching the car drivers and offering his service to clean the windshield and mirror of their car. Some were allowing them boy to clean it and paying the 5 rs for his service. He was very quick in his service and the car owners were getting a quality cleaning.
Next I saw two children probably aged 15 or 16 yrs selling ball to bikers and car riders. They are approaching the customers very selectively. Their selling strategy was very simple. They would show the ball to every one who is waiting for signal and just throw the ball into the air to catch the eye of onlookers. If they find children, they just allow the children to touch the ball and creating desire for the ball. Ultimately parents have no other choice, but to buy them.

Again 60 sec were still remaining and my quest still continued. Next my eyes caught the attention of beggar. He was keeping a drooping, sad face with his hands twisted and legs limping. He was wearing a torn dress and was carrying a small torn and patched black bag. He would limp and shiver his body and approach the cars and knock the windshields and beg for money.
This guy is actually quite normal and 100% healthy. When he approaches the cars, he would put some extra acting skills making the onlookers generate sympathy for him and he was able to collect between 5-10 Rs from each driver.
I have seen this guy earlier also. Once I was crossing the signal, I saw the same person walking normal along with fellow begging friend. Now a days begging has become an organized and working more or less like corporate structure. This reminded me of the Shakespeare quote that World is stage and we are all actors in this stage performing each ones roles perfectly.

As I still continued my gup shup, I just happened to look into the sky. The sky was turning into black, filled with rain clouds. I could feel the slight chill breeze, moving around and making the tree branches dance according to its tunes. I could see birds trying to get shelter in the trees before rain starts. I was sure that heavy rain is about to start and I had to ride my power machine in the rain.
As these thoughts were coming inside my mind, suddenly I could feel small drops of water in my hand. First it was like small drops, falling slowly and I could see small drops filling the dry and vacant space on the road. With in 2 sec, it started raining heavily and I was completely drenched.
Mean while when I looked around, I saw people running for cover .I saw two gals probably 18yrs of age were holding umbrella and enjoying the rain. They were laughing and giggling, catching hold of the rain drops which were dropping from their umbrella and throwing at each other’s face. They were having so much fun in the rain.
Next I could see a puppy running for cover .Lucky chap was able to find a shelter under a rock. I was so immersed in my gup shup that I forget where I was.
Suddenly I could hear screeching sound of vehicles horn behind me. I came back to my senses and I had only 4 sec remaining to kick start the engine. I just started my power machine and shifted the gear down to first gear to pursue my further journey in that rain.