The other day I read veteran Indian actor Amitabh Bachan’s blog about celebrities and modesty. Specifically what goes through their minds when they are recognized and people form lines for their autographs or photographs or for just a close glimpse.
This reminded me of a minor incidence I encountered. I was on the shores of river Krishna in my home town,
At that time I must have concluded that the actor was enjoying (or even craving for) the recognition and is even pausing what he was doing to acknowledge. But, after reading Amitabh’s blog, I wonder if my assessment was correct. What would I do, if an old acquaintance (because strangers have better things to do than try to grab my attention) tries to grab my attention while I am in the middle of something? Will I stop what I am doing and acknowledge; or continue with my work and hope that the person would be around when I finish the work so that I can reciprocate the formality? Now, to complicate the situation, assume that the acquaintance is an old customer of mine and I need repeat business from him/her. What should be my response?
It is easy for me, a common man, to criticize the actions of the celebrity. Assume that this celebrity ignored the people who are trying to grab his attention. Even then I would have had a lot to criticize him. This time I would have talked about his arrogance. I pity this celebrity. Whatever he does, people will criticize him. I guess that is the price one pays for being a celebrity.