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Voluntary Social Work
Terrorist I am made unmindful of its consequences,
Encouraged by cowardism,
Religions and faiths sans spirituality sponsored,
Rarely seen in other living beings,
Opening unknowingly the floodgates of destruction,
Regardless of my own and universal destruction,
In the names of faiths and beliefs,
Seeing nothing including my own 'self',
Terribly getting blind-folded to see any light of wisdom.

As and when wisdom prevails upon me,
Nothing left behind to undo wrongs I have done,
Dreadful destruction totally conquered and immobilized me.

Trust in God, the Love and the Truth,
Enable one not getting drifted towards terrorism,
Rigging the vote of confidence of fellow human beings and living beings,
Running helter-shelter for the peace,
One's very existence depended upon;
Read the messages of God within one's own heart's walls,
Indicative of the dangers of terrorism,
Synthesizing the imminent universal destruction,
Making me to live to mourn my own caused my own death!