Is Social Development Lagging Far Behind?
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Is social development lagging far behind?

Business Development Manager
This week's incident in Noida when a young MBA student was raped in her card while traveling from Noida to her home in South Delhi has again shaken us all. Such incidents have been growing and it seems the police administration has not been able to do much to stop or curb such happenings.

It's been a painful and more than that a very shameful situation for all of us living here in Delhi/NCR, while on one end we talk of economic development, and on the other hand find us helpless to protect a young girl from anti-social elements of our own society. A question can be asked whether those involved in this crime are really the ones who are responsible for putting India on a very low level on the scale of index of social development. I strongly feel they are. These incidents are as forcefully challenging our socio-economic status and our state of human freedom as the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

It's time we had realized that our police vigilance and administrative alertness are nowhere near adequate. It is well known to all of us living in Delhi/NCR that the areas in and around Noida, Greater Noida, and Ghaziabad are especially vulnerable and crimes or thefts are almost everyday events.

Probably the government need to look at the bigger picture of taking the common man alongside economic development initiatives. The incident again points finger on us that education, literacy and social development are the key and real challenges before us. What else can explain raping and ruining a girl's life could be a celebration on winning a village cricket match. Its difficult to believe but it surely tells us the mindset of the boys who carried out the heinous crime. It also tells us how detached these boys are from what is happening in the outside world. Probably it also tells us that the have not been brought up by their parents in an ideal way. And today mot probably they are caught up between their backwardness and the visible glamour in and around the society.

A section of youth is tirelessly working to take India up on the scale of economic and social development but there could be probably many sections of youth who are still blind and distracted to realize what should be their personal goals in life.

At least the Delhi/NCR and such similar geographies need massive drive by Police and NGOs together to educate, teach, and make all aware of the need to act responsibly.
