Should There Be Certain “Selection Criteria” For MPs?
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Should there be certain “selection criteria” for MPs?

As I read about Sanjay Dutt’s rousing welcome in Lucknow, I was remined of a brief email exchange with Dnyanesh from some days back. Dnyanesh asked me my thoughts on what should be the selection criteria for candidates contesting elections for Lok Sabha and legislative assemblies. I shared some ideas with him (below) but I don’t think these are either complete or the best.

I would like everyone’s inputs and suggestions on this…

My initial thoughts are:

Candidates must be able to satisfy the following criteria at the very least:

  • Financially solvent
  • Above 21 years of age
  • Indian citizen
  • Literate

Other proposed criteria (”nice to have”):

  1. Educated to at least higher secondary level
  2. If ever convicted for either a civil or criminal offense, at least two years have passed since their conviction and/or sentence being served
  3. Able to demonstrate professional competence or expertise in at least one area of public policy or management - either in the for-profit sector or NGO or government
  4. Fully conversant in English and at least one other official language of India
  5. Able to declare their assets and sources of income
  6. Able to declare their sources of funding (for the election campaign)

What do you think?
