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Tigress with a lion cub....

I also tried and failed to attach the lengthy column I'd written for The Asian Age yesterday. Shall give it another go once I'm done at the Pujo Badi (Tejpal) and Maa Durga has blessed me. This is an annual ritual I hate to miss. It brings out the Bong in me!
I was referred to as "the female Al Quaida'' by Mohan Pai ( Infosys wizard ). This was right after my address at the India Leadership Conclave in Delhi. I assure you , he meant it as a huge compliment! After listening to half a dozen uninspiring and politically correct speeches delivered by assorted 'captains of industry', I felt obliged to shake things up a bit! The newly awakened tigress in me did the rest! I was glad to be there, Delhi being such a stuffy place, a bit of Mumbai fireworks didn't harm anybody! Besides.... topic ko dekho!! - " Has the Indian woman finally come of age?" Would you agree anything less than a 'female Al Quaida' approach would have been a let down???