Non Functional Courts in Chennai
After all public money is being wasted & the hardship of not able to get justice would be known only to one who suffers , Rather than helping courts speed up the dispute redressal system & get justice to public by large , lawyers are on the other side doing things that only creates problems for public by large . How long should the public tolerate & how long will this go on ? The state Government & the central government should take immediate steps to bring in normalcy .The impact would be that the non-functioning of courts for the last month & half would further increase the work load on Judges & delay justice for few years by not working for a few months . Is this democracy sustainable ?
Advocates may have valid reasons for some of their issues but they need to find better & effective ways to express, rather than holding the public & judicial system on Tenter hooks .As paid proffessionals the least public by large expects from advocates is proffesionalism & Quick disposal/redressal of their litigation .