Slumdog Millionaire
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Slumdog Millionaire

Analyst Programmer
See interview of Abhishek Kumar Sahay

Recently, I watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire . My heart sank whenI was walking out of the theater. Rubbish! I yelled in myheart. This is the worst Indian movie or movie about India I have everwatched.

The problem with this movie is not the problems presented in the movie. Poverty, prostitution, killing, torture and other social ills are not thecauses that my heart sank. All societies have dark sides. Eachnation has its own problems. It is the prejudice, the bias, the heartlessand the sick minded portrayal of this movie to make me to cry out rubbish!

This movie is so disgusting because we cannot find a single good person in thewhole movie! Even the young brothers in the movie are bad people who steal,deceive, kill and behave recklessly. The only good person in the wholemovie is the American tourist who gives a hundred-dollar bill to the boy. There are several opportunities that good human nature can be presented andpraised. For example, when the boy descended from the train roof to stealpancake, the passengers in the train car could be passionate to give away thepancake. Sadly, the passengers pulled the boy down to fall off theroof! For another example, when the movie is about to end, Ithought the contest winning young man would use his new fortune to helphomeless children or to do some charitable things. But the movie ends notso.

I feel so despicable of this move not only it delivers a message that India isbad and all Indian people are bad, but also a message that there is nohope and no solution for India and Indian people. No inspirationeither. At first I thought the movie was about some one from the socialeconomic bottom who worked hard and overcome all adversities to achieve successand who could be a role model of others. I was wrong. The only passfor the Indian people hinted by the movie is looking for generous Westerntourists who are willing to shell out hundred dollar bills and hoping forwinning TV contest. I am sure this movie fits well to satisfy theWesterners who look down upon other peoples and want to keep their arroganceand feeling of superiority. This two-hour long movie does for sure deeplyimplant in those Westerner viewer’s mind the negative image of India and Indianpeople. It will be hardly erased by next two decades of Indian people’s
effort in making progress and attaining achievements.

The real slumdog, spiritually, are the ones who wrote the story and producedthe movie. This movie was produced by Rottenwood.
