New India
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New India

Managing Editor


When will we see a New India free from terrorism, Maoist rebels, dirty politics, poverty, malnutrition, child labour, corruption...? What is the future of India? Where will we be after a decades or two? Will China occupy our sea and ocean water first? Then gradually enter into the North East region! A biggest threat is waiting ahead of us! 

inflation and price rise is a serious concern in India. Government should take effective step to control price rise. A daily laborer is earning Rs 100 a day, how will he survive? About 50% people living in India who earn Rs 100 a day. Twenty percent of total population in India belong to middle class. They are all being badly affected. A person who is earning Rs 100 a day may have 3 or 4 dependents at home. How a large number of people in this country will survive? How the child will be safe from malnutrition and get proper education! More poor people living in India than South Africa. Mostly poor people are from Bihar, UP, and West Bengal

Recently, in Udaipur, Rajasthan, food-grain worth Rs 5 crore has been damaged due to shortage of storage. These food-grain was for the BPL families. The main concern is that Government has insufficient storage facility and as a result, these are being damaged due to rain water within the goods train. Imagine, how many BPL families would survive eating these food-grain for a month. More than 2 lakhs BPL families would get roti 2 times for a month with these food-grain which has damaged! And the government has done nothing to save these foods! A huge amount of food grain also damaged and buried in Etawa, Uttar Pradesh, secretly. Center government would say these are the State's concern, and the State government would say we don't have proper infrastructure to save these food-grain. Imagine, how dirty blame game would take place in our country!

If 70% of total population are affected, how India will grow? How the country will grow if the people of this country does not grow! If the people die in poverty and hunger, children suffer from malnutrition, poor people can not buy essential commodities, how will we say our GDP is growing and our economy is growing 9.4% when inflation is in double digit figure, more than 10%. So what is the actual growth if we compare it with inflation?

If we keep a large number of people behind, we can't grow. There may be violence or more Naxal or Maoist attack. There may be more Bharat bandh with unprecedented success. More people will participate in bandh and paralyze civil life, IT industries will be affected, common people will suffer. It will be tough to control and normalise these internal problems. If we busy in solving internal problems how will we tackle external threat? Our leadership should concentrate on solving internal problems soon. Government should save the poor from hunger. We don't have even sufficient government hospitals where poor people can get proper treatment. If we go in a government hospital with a patient, we always get this reply, "No Bed available now, you have to wait few months". And if patient wait for bed few months, can't survive. If we go in a college to study we get this reply, "No seat available" or "you have to go for entrance test as we have limited seat". If you wish to pursue a course, you have to go for an entrance test. You can't get opportunity to study a course as per your choice and interest. Government should open more colleges or universities as well as world class universities like Oxford or Harvard University and need to set up more hospitals for the poor and downtrodden people, otherwise we may have to face several bandh. Our economy will be badly affected and may run down with several bandh like West Bengal where there are bandh almost once in a week. We will go behind from the global economic race. 

This is true, China always is biggest threat to India than Pakistan or any other nation in the world. Although China are largest populated country, are growing well. If we busy solving internal problems, we will go behind. We neither have good relationship with our neighboring countries nor we can trust our neighboring countries like China, Pakistan or Bangladesh. We have fought several battle and very recently we have fought Kargil and can't say how many battle we will have to face in future.

It is impossible to built up a good relation with Pakistan despite several dialogues. Pakistan and their leaderships are not serious enough to make good relation with India keeping aside Kashmir issue. Several round of dialogues till date have taken place but all failed. This is the time people should wake up. Government officials as well as politicians have to work honestly to save this country. Politician should not have any criminal background and criminals can not run a Nation well. People have to come forward to save this country.

