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Sr Scheduler in Bechtel

Every one of us is born to the world with a purpose. We all have something or the other special bestowed to us and we only need to develop that talent within us.

Opportunities knock at the door of every individual during their span of life. This opportunity is called “THE PLATFORM” of life. It’s up the individual to identify that opportunity at the right time, grab it and utilize it in the proper way to up lift one’s self development. As a responsible citizen it becomes the ethical duty of each individual to employ the self development for the betterment of humanity to some extent. Although a single individual cannot revolutionize the whole mankind, a step of each one of us will just act as a contribution towards the start of a brilliant future of the whole of mankind.

There is a vast section of the society who is totally unaware of the several platforms of life and this unawareness acts as one of the major reason why that section of the society locate themselves finally landing up in what is called the “slums”.

What is a SLUM?

We normally recognise the people as slum. No, the people should not be identified as slum. Slum is basically vicinity manifested by scarcity and inferior living conditions.

Who wants to live in that environment? But, due to unavoidable situation these peoples are forced to lead such a low-grade living conditions. Their unawareness/limited information about the outside world also adds on as another reason to the fact. They are not exposed to the fast developing world. These sections of the people live only for the present/today. The main reason behind such attitude is that, they are deprived off a step ahead towards the betterment of each of their life knowingly or unknowingly by someone like us. There are sections of individual, who wants everything for self. May be, a little bit sacrifice by each one of us, can help those individuals to grab their opportunity to come a step forward to try and get their feet on THE PLATFORM.

It is not that they are not capable of doing things. The only thing that they require is the self-confidence which they have lost somehow and a small illumination that can show them the corridor towards that PLATFORM to go ahead in life.

Being a secular and a democratic country, she is very proud of every individual for being a responsible citizen. Let all of us come a step forward and develop in the heart of each of those individual, the fanaticism and try to develop within them the self-confidence that they can too build up themselves at par with all the other individuals of this lovely country.
