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“Slumdog Millionaire” has been nominated for various categories at the Oscar... !!!. It has already bagged 5 Golden Globe nominations... !!!. This movie is inspired from the novel “Q & A” originally written by an Indian, Mr. Vikas Swarup. Inspired Mr. Danny Boyle directed the movie. Now, it’s everyone out there reading this to decide: IS “SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” A MOVIE OR A DISGRACE TO THE COUNTRY? Article: It is the bad luck of India that the original novel “Q & A” was written by her own citizen simply since he just wanted to prove to the world that he too can write a book and a westerner took this opportunity to project it on the wide screen and the topic reacted against the country’s name and fame. We should all stand together towards the betterment of that section of the people projected on the film. Here are few of the several questions that might be going through the minds of the several Indians who might be thinking that it is to there bad luck that they have watched the worthless movie:
1. Why “Slumdog Millionaire” has been nominated for the Oscar Awards?
2. Is there any part of the movie that can be appreciated?
3. Does the picture have any theme? The western director took the chance to completely project the Country to be a land of inhumanity, insecurity and cheat. On the other hand it can be said that the whole movie is based on a negative idea about the Indians and their culture. As everyone knows that it’s a Slum based movie. Such Slum movie even if made by Westerners with a solution how to help them and make them come up at par to the fast developing world will be welcomed. In the present scenario (film) except on focusing and twisting towards the negative aspects against INDIA, the Actors, Actresses and Mr. A R Rehman all the rest of the units were handled by foreigners. Why is it so...? Just to get a nomination to the Oscars? The director took the chance to express against India through Indian Actor, Actress and Music Director. This is a disgraceful attitude. How can any outsider project such pessimistic image of our country to the outside world? Is it necessary to have a negative story to show the slum? The pictures could have depicted on how a child from the Slum after that tough childhood life and all the hurdles in life comes up and help the same section of the population globally so that at least as a start to the noble cause those children never faces any trouble in life and give them a platform to do stand / start something…. would have been a nice theme to focus on. Such movie would even motivate peoples of the world and many of them will definitely come forward to help them. But the director never thought in that line. Here is a list of a few of the several topics that has been projected against the Country, the citizens and the culture too:

1. The basic nature of the British towards “Divide and Rule” shall never change. Was it necessary to project the communal clash between the Hindus and the Muslims in the film? At one end it is said that we don’t want any fights, violence and want peace in the country and on the other side of the coin we allow a western director to show communal violence between the Hindus and the Muslim in a film. Why??? Why do we have these kinds of double standard faces? Just to make money / profit? Shameful….

2. The graceful Taj Mahal is known to be the 1st wonder among the Seven Wonders of the World. The director has disgraced The Taj Mahal by showing that the Slum child earns money by giving wrong information to the tourist as a guide. And on the query by the tourist that whatever the child was saying to them was just not the same as it was written in the booklet about The Taj that they were carrying and on this the child says to the tourist that person who wrote about The Taj in the book is a mad person. At that instant one can see the expression on the face of the tourist. That is really disgusting. This incident shows that (a) The Indians always tells lies, (b) The Indians can earn money in any form and (c) The Indian are fraud and they can cheat anyone. These are a few bad messages that go to the world and which cannot be accepted.

3. The director even showed that India as a country is not safe. When the slum child takes the tourist to show them the Dhobi Ghat a few other comes and take away all the parts of the vehicle. What does this mean? Indians are thief and they can cheat in anybody in any manner and India as a country is not safe for tourist? How can the director project such about India and it’s to the surprise that none of our citizens (Directors or other well-known figures) said a word against it?

4. The director even disgraced the most loved reality show by all Indians “KON BANEGA CORORPATHI” hosted but the legend Mr. Amitabh Bachhan and later by Mr. Sharukh Khan. Even though the concept of KBC was taken from the famous US show “WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE”, we as Indians never disgrace any show as has been depicted in the movie. But this can surely happen in their country and I believe it has happened too. So, how can the director project what has happened in other country through our India. Even, this is a disgrace to the attitude and profession of an Anchor. The director could have used the concept of the reality show “KBC” in a much better way than what has been projected.

5. Why is it so that to represent that the girl is from the Slum it is necessary to show that she is into prostitution? Is this the only way one can project that a girl is from that section of the population?

6. In the film even our police personals have been shown to be hopeless; have any one noted that. The picture showed how Indian (Mumbai) Police arrested a person (as projected it would be termed as kidnapped). Do our police arrest any person like that? Do we have any provisions in our law to arrest a person like as shown in the film and just for the reason that he is giving the correct answers to all the questions and just because the Anchor’s thinks so? Also, it has been shown that the police have given him 3rd degree to make him tell how he knows the answers to the questions. Horrible... Why the police force of Mumbai didn’t object on their image that has been shown in the film? We hear of child who can several activities that an elder person to him can do... In that case we say that he has some supernatural power. Is it that we shall also put them behind the bars saying that how can the child know or do such things or he is cheating...?

And the reasons go on and on...

Do we need some more reason to say that the director of the film has totally projected a total negative image of our Country (INDIA) in this film? This is really disgusting. Projecting the life style of that section of the population in such a negative way only for the profits on sale of the movie and the nominations to the Oscar Awards is the dirtiest game that anyone can play with the sentiments of those deprived sections of people.

How can the original the story writer Mr. Vikas Swarup; even think of such story? Based on HIS novel a westerner tried with such type of movie. Can we expect any of the foreign films ever project anything that shall describe negative features about their country? May be Mr. Vikas Swarup’s volume did well as a novel, but ... why... ?? and here we saw the resultant of it in the form of Slumdog Millionaire .... by the Westerner.

An article posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009, in The China Post - http://www.chinapost.com.tw/art/celebrity-news/2009/01/25/193542/Slumdog%27s-author.htm, you said, “I was writing to prove to myself that I could write a book. I only thought it might appeal to Indians — not that it would have this worldwide appeal.” It was also said that “Inspiration for the story came from a tale of a British major who was found guilty of cheating his way to victory on Britain's “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”” and if this is the case why to project it on the Indians and let others feel that this really happens in the country.

To merely prove that HE too can write a book; choosing such a topic leaving aside the millions of topics is not at all justified. HIS book was published worldwide but did any one came forward and stood beside these peoples? No one…. Everyone took the volume as another story to read and enjoy but now the film has been nominated for Oscar… disgusting.

Other recent post on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at http://www.gulf-times.com/mritems/streams/2009/1/21/2_267946_1_255.pdf, states “A catalyst was Major Charles Ingram, convicted for cheating his way to winning the British version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? If a British army major can be accused of cheating, then an ignorant tiffin boy from the world’s biggest slum can definitely be accused of cheating” – The statement means that since the boy is from slum, he can definitely be accused of cheating even though he is innocent … what a dishonourable way to project / describe the deprived section of the population of your own country.

Is it necessary to only write about the negative side of a thing? Writing story to earn name, money and prove that one can also write a book will not lead to any betterment of neither the so called “Slumdog” by you nor the country in any manner. It’s really SAMEFULL on HIS part as an Indian to write such book on India and that too taking inspiration from the happenings of other country. If HE really wants to show the world that HE too is a writer then HE needs to do something good to people with the power of writing. Remember during our childhood we used to study, “A Pen is Mightier than Sword”. Why we were told of those? Is it because it sounds nice to the ears? HE need not be told about those now. HE could have chosen a topic that shows how this people are deprived of the latest developments of the world and how one can come forward and help them. Have HE ever heard of any such book of the other countries and even if there is; any such films that shows that section of the people of their country? Reason being, they’ll not allow any similar movie since they are concerned about the image of their own country globally. Why can’t we also be concerned about our country? Patriotism is something that should be in one’s blood naturally. HIS book only gave a chance to a westerner to make such a movie about the Indians. Don’t we all love our Country? Do we only say “MERA DESH MAHAN” since it is nice to hear those three words? This will simply give a chance to others to change the meaning of these three lovely words. HE might be very happy that HE became a celebrity by writing that novel? That’s really poor show on HIS part.

In another recent post on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at http://www.gulf-times.com/mritems/streams/2009/1/21/2_267946_1_255.pdf, there was a question, “Why didn’t Bollywood directors think of Slumdog…?” In answer to it was really nice to see that none of the big banner directors of Bollywood had any comment on it and only Mr. Rahul Dholakia had the most correct statement, “The only filmmakers here who could’ve done justice to Slumdog Millionaire would be Mira Nair and Saeed Mirza”. Justified, only these directors give solutions to the projected problem. It was to a great surprise that in the post none of the directors who spoke on the subject ever described on the negative points that was projected in the film except they only saw the business that the film shall make in terms of the money. No one even bothered to think / remember those underprivileged sections of the population and say a word for them. Everybody is so happy with the trophy in their hand. Where is the humanity inside each one gone?

If the movie receives any Award on the Oscar it would mean that this is due to the reason that the director and other units were foreigners since so far no awards have been given to any Indian movie that has been nominated to the Oscars even though those were far better than other Hollywood movies.

Our famous director Priyadarshan, in his comments posted on http://www.realbollywood.com/news/2009/02/priyadarshan-slams-slumdog.html shared his experience of watching the film with a mixed audience at the Toronto Film Festival. He said, “the Westerners loved it and all the Indian hated it. The West loves to see us as a wasteland, filled with horror stories of exploitation and degradation.” Can anyone believe it…



Hope I could make myself clear to explain my point of view...
