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The corrupt men can never be classified as patriots.  They are guilty to have committed treason and must be bitterly punished worse than “traitors”.  Traitors have no right to citizenship in our democratic set up.  Traitors committing treason against the very people who they live with or commit heinous crimes against the will of their own society and country, betraying the norms of a peaceful social setup and have no right to keep continuing to such heinous crimes and remain at large, without any satisfactory accountability, just because they happen to be of some ethnic group or in the name of being one of those being in majorities. The democracy the systems that tolerates, or within which such heinous corrupt forces last shall itself seize to exist for that very reason.

Commit atrocities or cause damage to life or property of individual or the public must never be tolerated in the most basic values.  Abusing, accusing, slandering, and blaspheming have become norms of the day.  Seriously and sincerely providing international level of value based education and as “character building” are the fundamentals to a good citizen. 

Those who lack these basics of attaining the human values can never prove beneficial to the society.  Zeal of patriotism has to have a well defined course of actions for positive reflections within the society.  Blind assumptions of ones patriotism or seeking approval of a part of society based on fictitious relationship should not give an opening to slander or motivate “criminal-mobism” that normally is blinded to note the repercussions.  

Surprisingly in our democracy such criminals are “at large.” The safest way it seems to escape with all valuables, dear lives, and that they value into the non-existent safe heavens, of their fictitious, fraudulent mind sets and their whimsical assumption, exploitive, un-materialistic calculations of amassing.

There is no heavenly place as our heavenly beloved INDIA.  The corrupt though bankrupt of wisdom who soon find themselves that they are at a grave loss not just to themselves but to the generation they belong to, that groomed them. By the time that they soon conclude, it’s already too late: as from a frying pan into the fire.

A democratic judicial system that cannot punish the corrupt can never provide for the justified existence of its patriot citizens. They are but killers of their patriot lot. This is the very prime reason of their diminishing numbers. That is an abusive democracy and bound to sooner or later decline, with an unpredictable future, opening its boundaries to miseries with ever flourishing crime.

