Transition of Planets
Conjunction of Debilated Jupiter with Sun, Rahu & to be cojoined by Mars on 29.01.09 which gets exalted with aspect of Ketu is not a healthy conjunction.
At individual level, native having problems related to heart, bones, backache, eyes, feet, obesity, diabetes will increase. Mars works like a scissor & Ketu like blade may require surgery. Heart attacks will also increase. Cardiac consultants & surgeons, orthopadic surgeons, opthalmic surgeons, dieticians will see increase in the number of visitors. These conjunctions works like blessings in disguise for doctors.
Natives having problems related to above ailments should see their doctors in advance to avoid more serious complications.
Thefts, pilferage, scams, conflicts, specially in spiritual establishments & corporates will surface.
At the national level this conjunction signifies war like situation. Terrorism & terrorist activities will increase. India & Pakistan may see exchange of fire in words insisting in other options are open.
Conflicts & controvercies at sports meet & sports tournaments make take a ugly turn. This is also the time when Governement agencies & law makers the world over will look forward in changing the laws & rules pertaining to their respective countries. Enforcement and dicipline will be the anthem. USA will take the lead. When the leader takes the lead other do follow suit.
Haresh Nathani, Vedic Astrologer