About Expressions - What You Sow, So Shall You Reap.
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About Expressions - What You Sow, So Shall You Reap.

About Expressions

A human being usually expresses that aspect the best - which has impressed him or her the most at some point of time in his or her life.

It is said (in Psychology magazines etc.) that for the first seven years , the children imbibe the qualities of their parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors – whoever basically comes closest in their vicinity…..which also - of course include maids and male servants. So we can put it in this way as well – that a human being is a representative of the family he/she is born to. If the human happens to be of a very mixing nature and turns out to be a very good orator etc. then he might as well be representing his locality/society where he has grown up – ie. through that person’s personality – one can more or less make out what kind of family background or upbringing he/she has had.

The second phase of ‘quality imbibing’ happens between the age of 8 to 14 – from school friends, teachers, tutors and families of friends etc. It is at this time that one begins to compare his/her life with that of his/her friend’s and starts molding into a different personality – becomes a individual – he/she selects or deselects according to his or her taste that he/she has developed so far.

Thus children coming from ‘weaker personality’ families usually fall prey to ‘Demonic tendencies’ and land up making/ taking wrong choices/decisions that this world has to offer. It is for this reason that we get to see that although ‘Demonic Tendencies’ are very much on the rise and basically ruling our world – in the form of semi nude Item Girl Numbers to promoting PDA (Public Display of Affection) to advertising and encouraging intake of Tobacco, cigarette, alcohol – still we have humans working for orphans, spastics, volunteering to work in times of crises (eg. Tsunami, earthquakes etc). Such human gestures show that the basic human instinct - which is thriving to achieve love and peace cannot be easily doused by a couple of ‘depraved, selfish, shameless’ demons – in the garb of humans – who have made money by cheating people and exploiting women by making them an object of ‘lust’!

Thus dear readers – especially youths who are reading this – be prudent while taking decisions or selecting some life style – for your parents and family will be directly affected by the choices you make. Remember how indispensable they were when you were just an infant ! They brought you to this world – try to make it beautiful and make them feel proud of having brought you to this world by doing something wholesome and constructive, by spreading knowledge and love – and not by indulging into something which is depraved and demonical.


Qs. Why are you calling alcohol consumption, promoting semi nude dance sequences etc. as depraved and demonical?

Ans. Well! I am surprised with this question really – but anyways – since you have asked, it may be possible that you probably belong to some such community which makes both ends meet by doing exactly those things which I have referred to as demonical and depraved! You see its not your fault to ask such a seemingly dumb question – its human instinct – rather animal instinct – ‘Struggle for existence’ and ‘survival of the fittest’ – so its quite possible that I have unknowingly kicked you below your belt (lol) – afterall people struggle for food, shelter…and reproduction I guess (lol again !).

You see - a woman goes through the pains and troubles of going through pregnancy – the 9 months of utmost care – no going out – no eating ‘junk’ food etc – and after delivering – again no going out leaving the baby alone, keeping awake and changing nappies, no ‘junk’ food till breast feeding baby, buying the best of baby food products – as cheaper milk powder etc may harm the child and he/she will not develop any immunity against various diseases…. Well the list of do’s and don’ts are endless really – this is during infancy – then babyhood comes – another set of alertness for the parents – then childhood – yet another set of alertness and fulfilling demands – unending list of demands – then comes adolescence ….

Qs. Why did you stop – carry on – what when comes adolescence ?

Ans: Well – that’s what the write up is all about – reading which you started asking me the questions ! – well I guess you didn’t quite understand what I am trying to say !
Well – the endocrine system – especially attached to the reproductive system - starts to be functional…and this is where the child usually begins to separate from his/her parents. During childhood parents teach how to shit and piss and wash the area for cleanliness – very essential to maintain hygiene - but very near the excretory system lies the reproductive system …regarding which the child feels a sense of shame..and tries to find out about it from elsewhere…..esp. media, friends, books, novels, cheap romantic novels, films, blue films….etc. and starts experimenting on his/her own – this is where the ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ personality family comes in ..that I have talked about in the write up !

Qs. How does strong or weak family comes in here?

Ans.[gosh! – such dumb assholes] – well – all children are exposed to more or less the same information, dirty jokes, films etc. they come to know more through the latest break through Internet and mobile phones…but not all land up consuming alcohol, drugs, experimenting with sex – with any or every available boy or girl ---why? Because I think family background, values, culture, ethics play a vital role here. For example if someone’s mother is a ‘desperate housewife’ – her daughter or son would – in most cases become a whore or a whore monger respectively – for that is what they have grown up watching! Similarly if the father is a debauch pig or an alcoholic – abusing his wife in front of children – what do you expect such children to become? They will – in all probability become anti-social elements – that’s all !They are the ones who eventually support the demons and devils in fulfilling their plans of keeping as many souls under their feet as servants to serve them !

Qs. Why have you named your topic as ‘expressions’?

Ans. Ah! Good question . You see biologically speaking – a child is constructed physically by the ‘coming together’ of an ovum and a sperm – ie. half from Mother and half from father.

When couples copulate – their auras – mental, emotional and other invisible aspects also meet. So the child is more or less an expression of both the parents .Now just like physical attributes are based on recessive and dominant genes – like color of eyes can come from mother and shape of nose can come from father. Thus a child can be said to be the mixture of feminine and masculine aspect of both the parents (both male and females have feminine ad masculine side).

So it is for this reason that fathers are more fond of daughters and mothers are often seen to be more fond of sons – why? Simple logic – they are being more affectionate and are trying to nourish their feminine and masculine side/aspect respectively. Its like a chance given to individuals to strengthen their respective masculine and feminine sides. Thus motherhood is the greatest boon given to mankind – for it gives a chance to both males and females to evolve into better breed.

Qs. Can you give some examples?

Ans. Oh! sure. Let me give a very interesting example. Lets say a male is very fond of ‘getting physical’ with any and every woman he meets – kind of ‘sex starved’ – so if a female is born to him through his wife or kept or prostitute, she will be – most probably - a sex starved individual as well – I mean most probably – for the father has ruined so many females by making them ‘sex’ object – so there will be males to ruin her (his daughter’s) chastity as well – that is why it is said that children do suffer for their parents’ deeds !

Similarly if a female has to pretend to be subservient and recessive and docile but inside she wishes to lead the life of a ‘Desperate Housewife’ or is whorish inside – a son born to her will – most probably - fulfill that latent desire of his Mother – by being a playboy in the locality – satisfying desperate house wives and other ‘sex starved’ girls.

Of course there are exceptions – like the presence of dominant and recessive genes – the character attributes too can change according to astral configuration and karma phal of the individual etc.

Qs. Why did you give examples of ‘sex’ ? Could you not give any other example?

Ans. It generates more interest in fellow human beings – just look around – all over - you will get to see semi nude pictures of models and actresses – why? Because humans get drawn towards ‘sex’ very easily. So I am trying to draw readers ….so that they read my write ups ! lol.

Qs. Astral configuration…karmas – you mean you believe in such things?

Ans. I wish to stop this topic on ‘Expressions’ here – otherwise it will go on to become an unending topic of discussion. There are many things that make an individual – many – a single human has vast capabilities – after all it is said that he is made after God – the creator !

Anyways – pack up. Goodbye.
