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“Mother Earth provides enough to satisfy man’s needs but not for his greed”

- Mahatma Gandhi

The lifestyle of humankind, its practices and the direction in which it is heading to, calls for immediate attention. We are exceeding, at an alarming rate, the capacity of the planet to provide us with the all important resources and also its ability to tolerate our emissions. Fossil fuels are on the verge of extinction, so are forests, wildlife and many other gifts from nature. A tremendous onus is now on the present generation not only to live with the self-created constraints and ensure fair utilization of available resources, but also to make sure that our future generations are not left in the wild to bore the brunt of a depleted earth!

The 1987 Report of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, commonly known as The Brundtland Report, quotes:

‘Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable – to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. Obtaining the best out of the least is holistically termed as sustainable development. Sustainability can be viewed as a conglomerate of three important aspects: the technical, the sociological and the ecological. The technological aspect of sustainability deals mainly with human skills and ingenuity – the skills that engineers must continue to deploy – and the economic system within which we deploy them. Here, we explore the implications of this aspect of sustainable development.

Engineering Transformation

Engineering can be subtly coined as the art, discipline and profession of acquiring and applying technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired objective. Engineering and sustainable development are closely linked, with many aspects of sustainable development depending directly and significantly on appropriate and timely actions by engineers. Engineering coupled with technology is supposedly the strong arm of humanity impacting greatly the developments and their sustainability. Budding engineers are spearheads of our future. India is the second largest production house of engineers nurturing and churning out about five lakh engineers annually.

Research AND FOR Development

Research, in any economy is considered as the backbone for current developments and future commitments. According to my humble viewpoint, both research and development should not be two disjoint aspects. Research has to inter-twine with development and the primary motive for research should exclusively target immediate and sustainable development. Further, research would be focused on delving on the current problems humanity faces and proposing a systematic, simple and efficient solution for the same. It would be welcome, if one can work on practical solutions to problems rather than comprehend advanced theoretical hypotheses that are of least significance in the given context.

Practical approach to Engineering and Development

Learning methods coupled with effective training play a pivotal role in imparting the fruits of science and technology to its students. It is although of great importance that this subtle knowledge be preached in a way that transcends all barriers and triggers an infinite quantum of energy towards our mission- the mission of a brighter future. Imparting quality education amplifies the aspirations, inspires innovation and redefines the goals of budding geniuses thus leading the way for a massive transformation.

Education should be seen as a medium to awaken ones thirst for knowledge rather than as an institution for attaining qualifications, that is eventually to make a living. Practical oriented curriculum design focusing on problem solving has to evolve from the current grade oriented. The old Chinese saying holds good here. “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

Changes in current curriculum can revitalize new thinking. Instead of concentrating on theories that were formulated centuries ago and stopping with them (due to either lack of time or interest), the curriculum can be restructured keeping into mind the current arenas in science and technology and those that require amicable solutions.

The role of the media and mass communication technology in this revolution for sustainable development is unquestionable. The ever booming internet with its mass networking capabilities has limitless power in integrating resources, bringing together people beyond boundaries and arousing the interest of many a soul.

A Revolution for Sustenance

A new revolution, the one to save our earth has to be initiated from each and everyone’s hearts with motto of achieving economic success, social benefit and high environmental quality together. The goal of this one of a kind revolution is sustainable living satisfying the principle of inter-generational equity – being able to live on Planet Earth for the indefinite future –

‘We don’t own the earth; we hold it in trust for our children’.

Ignite passion; kindle the thirst to excel and to achieve for Mother Earth would be the founding principle of this movement. One can never have an impact on society if he has not changed himself. The change has to be from within us. Though small in magnitude, human history has proved time and again that it is the source for all great achievements. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope; and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

If an egg is broken by an outside force...A life ends.
If an egg breaks from within...Life begins.
Great things always begin from within.

A holistic ‘Cradle to Grave ‘approach for engineering every product that we build would definitely go a long way in optimal use of the resources paving way for sustainable development. Considering the economies of the developing nations, it would be a rather challenging task to bring about this kind of revolution into force amongst the common man. Definitive planning, managing people and effective administration would make its reach far wider and deeper. It would be the solemn duty of the government to provide quality technical education at the grass root level at an affordable price. But when we succeed in this aspect, a bright future beckons us.

Towards a Better and Bright World

We have been enjoying the fruits of our forefathers and now it is our turn to give it back to our future generations. Sustainability with development is the buzz word today. In other words, we have to sustain our lives with the optimum utilization of the available resources while conserving the same for our children and for their children. Thus the knowledge and awareness of the current scenario are decisive in sustaining development in the context of the developing countries. We need to ensure by means of a revolution that the importance of having a system for sustainable development is highly effective and is reachable to every member of the society. Though an individuals’ contribution might not be significant, it is pivotal and can effect changes from the grass root level. We need to ensure that we do the things right having decided the right things to do. I would like to compile by quoting Swami Vivekananda.

“Arise, Awake and Stop not till the GOAL is reached”
