The City-Leopard
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The city-leopard

I know at times, you    seek a place

 To live as a king of primitive race,

Enjoy fear and thill

With power to kill at will--

A fierce leopard.


Alas! The time is gone,

Now to hunt for fun

Your lone option

Is to raise the  leopards -lions.


In concrete wood

Where rubbish and garbage shabbily piled,

Two –legged animals run wild,

You can take your gun

And chase them just for fun.


But some of them

May not be tame

Before the difficult task

You must wear a mask

And must have  oil massage.



While on chase

Keep things clean and don’t make a mess,

To avoid  worms  and  leech,

Chant aloud that magical speech

“Be off the rabid animals”



Inspired by a Bengali poem of Nasimul Goni



