How To Create An Automated Prospecting System For Financial Advisors
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How to Create an Automated Prospecting System For Financial Advisors

Step 1: Creating a database of prospective clients.
If you want to have an ongoing source of clients coming to you for help with their finances, it makes sense to have a large list of people to contact. But how to contact them? The traditional ways of contacting prospective customers by phone is dead. In fact, in Canada the population has voiced their opinion about cold calling by outlawing unsolicited phone calls. So what are your options? You really only have two: either having an online or offline database of prospects.
What is a database?
A 1D0-470 database is a list of prospective customers that have given you permission to contact them about your products or services. Generally, you will contact these individuals with information you think would be beneficial to them with the intention of building a relationship and establishing yourself as a credible source of financial planning information.
What are the kinds of databases I can create?
There are two main kinds of databases. The most versatile and inexpensive database is online, using name and email addresses and an online CRM (contact registration management). The more expensive but generally more effective database is an offline database using full names with mailing addresses and a paper (11"x17") newsletter. It is paramount to understand the customers you are trying to attract before you decide on what kind of database is right for your business. The more contact information you have from your prospects will give you more options in the future as to what method to use.
An online database...
An online database costs about $20.00 per month to manage approx 1000 prospects or less. I would not advise that you run this kind of database from your own computer email software because individuals will be constantly opting in and out of your e-zine (electronic magazine) causing you more headaches than you can handle. For the cost of a large pizza per month, 1D0-450 an online CRM is worth the little expense.
An offline database...
Offline database management is a lot more expensive, but depending on your market it may be the best option for you. If you are working with older clients, they generally don't work with the internet and email so using an offline newsletter may be the best option for this client. This database can be managed with a contact management software like Goldmine or Maximizer to help you print the envelopes with your contacts information.
After you have created a database...
After you have created and have started to manage a 1D0-460 database of your own, you are ready to start attracting a consistent stream of clients to your office every single month. You can then experience the dream lifestyle you were sold when entering into this industry.
