How Will You Thrive In An Uncertain Economy?
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How Will You Thrive in an Uncertain Economy?

I hope you're keeping your spirits high and your thoughts positive during this uncertain economically challenged time. Yesterday, I read in the paper that over 50,000 jobs were getting slashed in the US because of this crazy turning point in history. I couldn't believe my eyes 270-132 when 3 different newspapers were reporting the same thing. While I don't typically trust what I read in papers, job cut stats usually are right on. The question is, are you "safe" or "safe for now"? I'm 270-131 sure many of you are pretty worried about this economy, especially with the uncertain economic stimulus plans.
I sure do hope that our elected leaders can pump some money into our economy quickly so that corporations don't have to resort to anything drastic. Having said that, what are YOU doing to curb the impact should a layoff happen to you?
Are you prepared? Do you have a backup plan in mind? Have you already started working something that can offset any blows to your current income? If not, I highly suggest you do something about it before it's too late. Many of my own friends and family members are nine-to-fivers too and all they keep telling me is how worried they are and it seems like they can't do a thing about it, and many of them have college degrees and even doctorate degrees. Yet, they are controlled by employers who have the upper hand.
Doesn't that sound so backwards? You go to lower level schools for 12 years, then another 4 in college, and another 2-4 years for an advanced degree, only to get a job working for someone else who dictates your economic situation. Hey, I used to be in those shoes, and I suffered through the stress and worry about every downsizing.
Look, if you haven't done anything, and I mean taken real action on generating another income stream, 1D0-635 then I suggest you get started right now! Don't wait until the last minute. The internet is a great way to create another stream of income. Do you have a unique skill or ability? Like to wright? Do you love to garden? Know your antiques? Got a sewing machine? Can you bake? Make jams and jellies? Into photography? There are many ways to earn extra income online.
