Keep It For A Rainy Day - Five Money Saving Tips
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Keep it For a Rainy Day - Five Money Saving Tips

Voicing opinions about the current state of the economy became something of a common sight. With many 'experts' advising you to put your money under the mattress rather than tucking them into a saving account, you may have your concerns, but don't be fooled! There are still solid products on the market to help you put that extra income aside when you E22-310 need it most.
Before you even consider applying for one of the money saving products, perhaps you should take a closer look at the state of your current affairs. Start with the monthly regular outgoings such as utility bills or phone tariffs. Are you really getting value for money there? Switching your gas and electricity provider to a cheaper supplier can save a decent amount over a year which, in turn, can nicely bulk up your personal savings. So, shop around to get that best deal to suit your purse.
Insurance cover, whether it's car insurance, building and content insurance or life insurance, can also inflate your monthly spending. When looking to E20-011 buy a new insurance always ensure your policy covers you in the event of something likely happening to you. There is little point in paying for a protection you won't need. In addition, when changing your insurance provider you need to compare like with like and not the price alone. Always look for the same cover and definitions before you make up your mind.
If you are fortunate enough to stand on the property ladder you can try and make some savings on your mortgage. Now, unless your mortgage product is about to terminate, you can't just simply switch to a new provider with a better deal, as the early repayment fees and other charges will usually outweigh any possible gains. What you can do instead is to overpay your current mortgage and save many thousands in interest by reducing the term of your mortgage at the same time. Many products currently on the market allow you to do so without incurring any penalty fees.
Once you've managed to E20-597 generate some surplus you should definitely consider one of the best saving products available, that is ISA
For those who feel a little bit more adventurous, fixed term bonds may seem as a tempting offer. They provide a rate that is fixed throughout the duration of the bond, giving you a predictable income with no surprises. Keep in mind that very high deposits are imposed and the generated income isn't tax-free. Fixed Term Bonds generally offer the highest saving rates available.
Start saving now and you will see that a penny saved is a penny earned or more.
